PAAM Perinatal Mental Health
Accessibility and Acceptability of Perinatal Mental Health Services for Women from Ethnic Minority Groups (PAAM). @NIHRresearch | @NHS_ELFT | @BSMHFT
ID: 1255185006185582592
28-04-2020 17:22:19
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There is a #GenderHealthGap in the UK. Women tend to live longer than men but spend more of their life in poor health. Why do women feel unheard? And how can we improve? Read the latest evidence Collection:… #WomensHealth Wellbeing of Women
The Office for Product Safety and Standards Office for Product Safety and Standards has issued an Urgent Safety Alert for baby self-feeding pillows and is urging the public to stop using them immediately and dispose of them safely.
Book a free ticket for our event on the 12th of January. We will talk about how we can improve perinatal mental healthcare for ethnic minority women in the UK. Everyone welcome!… East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) BSMHFT NHS Mental Health #ethnicminoritywomen #PerinatalMentalHealth
Happening tomorrow!! 7pm on IG Live - join us for this chat about birth trauma in South Asian communities and this great research being conducted by Aditi Sharma. Rosey PMHP UK BirthTrauma PAAM Perinatal Mental Health
Today at our Monday 2pm, Dr Maev Conneely (Maev Conneely) gave an overview of the PAAM Perinatal Mental Health which looked at the experiences of minoritized women in perinatal mental health services in the UK, and discussed recommendations to improve services.
Superb webinar on ethnic differences in perinatal mental health care in UK results from PAAM Perinatal Mental Health the use of quant and qual data really impressive Dr Nikolina Jovanović QMUL Centre for Psychiatry & Mental Health Wolfson Institute of Population Health #MentalHealthMotherhoodMe
Thank you to everyone at @UCL for giving Maev Conneely the chance to disseminate the PAAM study findings, and our recommendations for clinical practice. A brilliant and engaged group of students! Dr. Harpreet Kaur Sihre Silvie Cooper NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North Thames National Institute for Health and Care Research
PAAM Perinatal Mental Health UCL Maev Conneely Dr. Harpreet Kaur Sihre NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North Thames National Institute for Health and Care Research Really wonderful to welcome Maev Conneely to hear about the phenomenal work of the PAAM Perinatal Mental Health team - bringing to life both the impact of inequalities on access to and experience of perinatal mental health and how much can be done to support women in learning through their experiences