Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile
Old River Terrace


16102 East Freeway Channelview 77530

ID: 167868938

linkhttp://www.ortumc.com calendar_today17-07-2010 18:49:35

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Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All that I am, praise the Lord; everything in me, praise his holy name. My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. Psalm 103:1-3 NCV

All that I am, praise the Lord; everything in me, praise his holy name. My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. Psalm 103:1-3 NCV
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Share Christ’s love in tangible ways. Yeah, you may get a bit messy. Just remember, when our Savior washed His disciples’ messy feet; they smelled el amor de Dios. (The love of God.) #WIJDIM

Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prayer for our enemies stops the plans of the adversary more effectively than hate filled memes, rants, or hearts ever will. #WIJDIM

DeZavala Elementary (@cisddezavala) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A huge THANK YOU to the members of Old River Terrace United Methodist Church for donating school supplies for our students! Thank you Mrs. Burke and Pastor Cooksey for the delivery today!

A huge THANK YOU to the members of Old River Terrace United Methodist Church for donating school supplies for our students! Thank you Mrs. Burke and Pastor Cooksey for the delivery today!
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TODAY AT ORT: MEMORIAL SUNDAY The Art of Remembering (Hebrews 12:1-5) Worship 10:45/ Special Class on Preparing for Pentecost 9:30

The Art of Remembering (Hebrews 12:1-5)
Worship 10:45/ Special Class on Preparing for Pentecost 9:30
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Deuteronomy 16:9-11,15 The Message #Pentecost2017 #Count7weeks #celebrate #FeastOfWeeks #GiveGenerously #GodHasBlessedU #BlesedUinURharvest

Deuteronomy 16:9-11,15 The Message #Pentecost2017 #Count7weeks #celebrate #FeastOfWeeks #GiveGenerously #GodHasBlessedU #BlesedUinURharvest
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Joel 2:28-29,32 VOICE #Pentecost2017 #PourMySpirit #URchildren2Prophecize #URelders2Dream #Spirit2Servents #EveryoneWhoCalls2God #liberation

Joel 2:28-29,32 VOICE #Pentecost2017 #PourMySpirit #URchildren2Prophecize #URelders2Dream #Spirit2Servents #EveryoneWhoCalls2God #liberation
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

John 14:16-17 VOICE #Pentecost2017 #WillSendHelper #SpiritOfTruth #RecognizeTheSpirit #KnowTheSpirit #SpiritLivesWithU #SpiritDwellsInU

John 14:16-17 VOICE #Pentecost2017 #WillSendHelper #SpiritOfTruth #RecognizeTheSpirit #KnowTheSpirit #SpiritLivesWithU #SpiritDwellsInU
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Acts 1:3-5 NCV #Pentecost2017 #DoNOTleaveJerusalem #wait #RecieveGodsPromise #JohnBaptizedWithWater #UwillBbaptizedByHolySpirit

Acts 1:3-5 NCV #Pentecost2017 #DoNOTleaveJerusalem #wait #RecieveGodsPromise #JohnBaptizedWithWater #UwillBbaptizedByHolySpirit
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Genesis 14:17-19 VOICE #HolyCommunion #Abram #PriestKingOfSalem #Melchizedek #bread #wine #PriestOfTheMostHighGod #SpecialBlessing2Abram

Genesis 14:17-19 VOICE #HolyCommunion #Abram #PriestKingOfSalem #Melchizedek #bread #wine #PriestOfTheMostHighGod #SpecialBlessing2Abram
Old River Terrace (@ortumc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great reception from DeZavala Elementary our Old River Terrace 2017 Giving Tree gifts. Thanks to all who participated in showing God's love to many of his little children. Thank you to our United Methodist Women for coordinating this incredible undertaking!

Great reception from <a href="/CISDDeZavala/">DeZavala Elementary</a> our <a href="/ORTUMC/">Old River Terrace</a> 2017 Giving Tree gifts. Thanks to all who participated in showing God's love to many of his little children. Thank you to our United Methodist Women for coordinating this incredible undertaking!