Nick Blauch (@nmblauch) 's Twitter Profile
Nick Blauch


postdoc @ harvard | neural networks | cortical topography | learning | vision | language | neurotech

ID: 1033563949525094402

link calendar_today26-08-2018 03:57:03

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CogCompNeuro (@cogcompneuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#CCN2024 starts tomorrow! We're excited to welcome attendees to Boston. Here is a thread with some helpful know-before-you-go info for attendees.

#CCN2024 starts tomorrow! We're excited to welcome attendees to Boston. Here is a thread with some helpful know-before-you-go info for attendees.
CogCompNeuro (@cogcompneuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have created a Discord server for CCN. Chat with attendees, hear about social gatherings during the conference, as well as job postings, schedule updates, and more!… (try incognito mode if link doesn't work)

Stanislav Fort (@stanislavfort) 's Twitter Profile Photo

✨🎨🏰Super excited to share our new paper Ensemble everything everywhere: Multi-scale aggregation for adversarial robustness Inspired by biology we 1) get adversarial robustness + interpretability for free, 2) turn classifiers into generators & 3) design attacks on vLLMs 1/12

Tarana Nigam (@tarana_nigam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My paper on how top down predictions enable increased pattern separation and invariance in the monkey face patch system is finally out in Nature Communications ! I was particularly impressed & amazed by the extent of flexibility even the visual cortex can exhibit!

Stephen Smith (@fmrib_steve) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy science fact of the day: It's a year since the first Imaging Neuroscience paper was published, with 280 papers since then. Hence in just the first year, over half a million dollars has stayed within academia, rather than going to Elsevier [shareholders etc].

Kording Lab 🦖 (@kordinglab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Would you want to attend a conference where you can only talk about the weaknesses of your own research? Would you be willing to give a talk on that?

Colton Casto (@_coltoncasto) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨New paper!🚨My first (co)first-authored paper is now out in Nature Human Behaviour! We show that neural populations in the language network differ in the size of their temporal receptive windows co-led w/ Tamar Regev 1/ 🧵

Ansh Soni (@ansh_soni1234) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To ask how similar the brain is to a neural network we need a similarity metric. In a new paper I asked how much the metric matters to downstream conclusions, and, upshot, it matters a great deal.… (1/7)

Chuck Lynch (@cl9681) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to share that our work applying precision mapping to individuals with depression sampled longitudinally over an extended period has been published this week in @nature. Brief recap of the main findings and their potential implications below.…

Saeed Salehi (@ssn_io) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention is awesome! So we (Jordan Lei Ari Benjamin ML Group, TU Berlin Kording Lab 🦖 and #NeuroAi) built a biologically inspired model of visual attention and binding that can simultaneously learn and perform multiple attention tasks 🧠 Pre-print:… A 🧵...

Janne Lappalainen (@lappalainenjk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Biggest joy and honour leading this project at the intersection of visual neuroscience and ML to a successful finish! Paper:…

Machine Learning in Science (@mackelab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How can we train biophysical neuron models on data or tasks? We built Jaxley, a differentiable, GPU-based biophysics simulator, which makes this possible even when models have thousands of parameters! Led by Michael Deistler, collab with Philipp Berens Pedro J. Goncalves…

Aakash Agrawal (@aakashagr92) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 Publication Alert! #PLOSCompBio: Cracking the neural code for word recognition in convolutional neural networks… We (Stanislas Dehaene) have uncovered how convolutional neural networks recognize words, and the results are fascinating.

🚨 Publication Alert!  
#PLOSCompBio: Cracking the neural code for word recognition in convolutional neural networks…

We (<a href="/StanDehaene/">Stanislas Dehaene</a>) have uncovered how convolutional neural networks recognize words, and the results are fascinating.
Hidenori Tanaka (@hidenori8tanaka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exciting news🎉 We're now accepting applications for CBS-NTT postdoc fellows in the Physics of Intelligence at Harvard ( Join our vibrant interdisciplinary community at Harvard to shape this exciting emerging field together! Link below:

Kempner Institute at Harvard University (@kempnerinst) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are visual category representations modular or distributed? In a new blog, #KempnerInstitute’s Jacob Prince, talia konkle & George Alvarez show that the answer is … both! Read the post and check out their full paper published today in Science Advances:

Ken Miller (@kendmil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hopfield & Hinton getting the physics prize is sort of like Bob Dylan getting the literature prize: it stretches the category, maybe almost to the breaking point (but also, it's probably good for the field), but boy, do they deserve it!