Dr Rachael Pope (@nhsculture_pope) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Rachael Pope


Researcher and campaigner for a culture of honesty and respect in the NHS

ID: 1098308229468250112

linkhttp://nhsculture.weebly.com calendar_today20-02-2019 19:47:42

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#WASPI Campaign (@waspi_campaign) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The All Party Parliamentary Group, which has supported us throughout, long ago said compensation at Level 6 on the PHSO scale – that is, £10,000 or more – should be awarded to #WASPI women. (4/5)

Ros #50sWomen (@rosinapaintolin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As one of complainants and almost 8 years since writing that 1st complaint letter having lost 6 years SP due to DWP incompetence in communication.. the derisory PHSO recommendation adds insult to injury to myself and all #50sWomen affected by this injustice #WASPI Campaign

JUSTICE4 WHISTLEBLOWERS (@justice4wbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We absolutely back up this statement Martyn Pitman we have 100s of NHS WBs who can also back this up…Nick Wallis please come talk to us to open up this can of worms…peoples lives are being destroyed 🙏

Factor 8 (@factor8campaign) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The First-tier Tribunal has today dismissed a government appeal that sought to prevent the release of information about Infected Blood Compensation. #ContaminatedBlood

Christopher Head (@chrish9070) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#PostOfficeScandal NEW🔥Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its defence was false during the 2018/2019 GLO High Court Case. The scandal that keeps on giving on an almost daily basis. The story revealed by Hannah Price 𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚓𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚕 for the BBC News (UK) shows a draft report that Post

#PostOfficeScandal NEW🔥Secret papers reveal <a href="/PostOffice/">Post Office</a> knew its defence was false during the 2018/2019 GLO High Court Case. The scandal that keeps on giving on an almost daily basis. The story revealed by <a href="/HannahPrice___/">Hannah Price</a> <a href="/tomjbeal/">𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚓𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚕</a> for the <a href="/BBCNews/">BBC News (UK)</a> shows a draft report that Post
Janet Eastham (@janeteastham) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔴EXC: NHS bosses destroy careers of whistleblowers who stood up to protect patients’ lives. Talented doctors and nurses claim they have lost their jobs–with some driven to brink of suicide–as bosses sought to bury their concerns. Gordon Rayner telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/1… 1⃣

Infected Blood Inquiry (@bloodinquiry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Report makes 12 recommendations including a call for national recognition of this treatment disaster, compensation, and a change of culture and practice in the NHS and the Civil Service. Read the report here: infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk/reports/inquir…

Martyn Pitman (@martynpitman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How utterly depressing is this? What is actually working with our once great country that it takes formal Judicial Inquiries to actually uncover and reveal the truth? #PostOfficeInquiry #InfectedBloodInquiry Cannot rely on the NHS, its regulators, the legal system or politicians

David Drew (@nhswhistleblowr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NHS secrecy. My letter in yesterday's The Telegraph As Victoria Atkins mouths mire platitudes on NHS Culture of Secrecy and Fear. Repeating Jeremy Hunt 10 years ago. As #ContaminatedBloodInquiry has shown (UK Prime Minister) Department of Health and Social Care is mired in a Culture of concealment.

NHS secrecy. My letter in yesterday's <a href="/Telegraph/">The Telegraph</a> As <a href="/VictoriaAtkins/">Victoria Atkins</a> mouths mire platitudes on NHS Culture of Secrecy and Fear. Repeating <a href="/Jeremy_Hunt/">Jeremy Hunt</a> 10 years ago. As #ContaminatedBloodInquiry has shown <a href="/number10gov/">(UK Prime Minister)</a> <a href="/DHSCgovuk/">Department of Health and Social Care</a> is mired in a Culture of concealment.
Infected Blood Inquiry (@bloodinquiry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One of the Report's recommendations is that anyone who had a blood transfusion prior to 1996 should be offered a test for Hepatitis C. The Inquiry wishes to highlight that postal testing is available in England and Wales from hepctest.nhs.uk and shwales.online.

Dr Phil Hammond 💙 (@drphilhammond) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's puzzling that people blame "the NHS" for the state it's in. It's not a religion, simply a mechanism for paying for universal care (tax funded, free at the point of need, largely publicly provided). The main reasons it can't cope with demand, in no particular order are... 1.

UK Health Security Agency (@ukhsa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't let ticks & the potential risk of #LymeDisease stop you from enjoying the outdoors. 🌳🌲🌼🌺 Dr Kayleigh Hansford, our Principal Medical Entomologist, shares what to look out for & how to avoid being bitten. Read more: ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2024/03/21/wha… #BeTickAware #BeLymeAware

Lyme Disease Action (@lymeaction) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After removing your #tick (with a proper tick remover!) make a note and (7-14 days later) watch for a rash. Red, spreading but usually neither itchy nor hot - which is why many don't spot it. Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Girlguiding Forestry England Justin Miles #LymeDisease- be aware!

After removing your #tick (with a proper tick remover!) make a note and (7-14 days later) watch for a rash. Red, spreading but usually neither itchy nor hot - which is why many don't spot it. <a href="/lomondtrossachs/">Loch Lomond & The Trossachs</a> <a href="/Girlguiding/">Girlguiding</a> <a href="/ForestryEngland/">Forestry England</a> <a href="/ExplorerJust/">Justin Miles</a> #LymeDisease- be aware!