Mr Vullo
Head of SEMH Provision (Primary). Personal/work acc by @educatingenzo Exploring using computing to facilitate social mobility in disengaged pupils #thisisAP
ID: 1056236279397040128
http://www.youtube.com/@mrvullo 27-10-2018 17:28:47
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Hi Minecraft Education , can I use the direct $12 a user/year option shown in the link to purchase 1 licence for Education Minecraft for me to use at home via my own personal email? education.minecraft.net/en-us/licensing Thank you for your help in advance.

Following the engagement in our coding classes last year, I spent the holidays building this ScratchJr video tutorial series for my pupils & their families based on the brilliant coding cards by Marina Umaschi Bers & Dr. Amanda Sullivan Coding can engage the disengaged. mrvullo.com/2024/08/29/scr…