A Turkish imam claimed he was detained in Makkah by Saudi police for saying the words Gaza and Palestine The truth is that he was detained for 4 hours because of his use of a drone in the Haram 🕋 in Makkah without obtaining a permit and publishing it on his YouTube channel.
Remember the old lady hamas has taken? This scene regularly happens with “the most moral army in the world”. Another scene of a woman in the 80s being dragged
If this was a Hamas operative at al-Shifa, this picture would make immediate headlines in every mainstream media outlet.
But it's an Israeli sniper inside a UN school's classroom, shooting at targets & using the school as a base!
Not a single word from EU/US officials!
Elon Musk If there was hamas under the UNRWA school, why didn't they bombed it earlier rather than waiting for refugees children to gather there then bomb it with cold blood killing 200 yesterday .. TWO HUNDRED!
This is the kind of filthy zionists supporters we're dealing with
He's a hypocrite .. if his kid throw a rock, he won't be ok even to see him get a slap on his face .. yet, he doesn't mind to see a kid shot dead just for allegedly throwing rocks (he didn't btw)
So many Palestinians are shot like this in West bank and who survive of them is accused of “trying to stabbing someone” to cover the real crime
This happened to some of the female hostages will released during the truce while the Zionists trying to call them criminals
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل في كل من ترككم وتخاذل عن تأدية حقكم عليه منّا شعوبًا وحكامًا، ألا لعنة الله على الظالمين والمتصهينين وحكام العرب والخونة والجبناء، اللهم انتقم لعبادك فإنهم مستضعفون اللهم انتقم وأرنا في كل هؤلاء الخونة والجبناء واليهود والمتخاذلين بأسك وانتقامك يا رب 🤲
اللّهم غـــــزّة قد تكالب عليها الغريب وخذلها القريب
ولم يبق لها إلاّ السّميع المجيب فاللّهم هوّن على أهلها وانصرهم وآمن روعاتهم ….
Imagine Muslim soldiers break into a synagogue or a church, god know what they do to the people inside, then start singing in the microphone or reading Quran .. what the hypocrite world will do
تخيل جنود مسلمين يقتحموا معبد يهودي أو كنيسة، ويبدأوا يغنوا في الميكروفون أو يقروا