why should one take seriously a critic driven to write in popular petty bourgeois venues, and has no interest i articulating literature with social struggle?
many people in the us carry devices capable of recording, and sharing the spiral light of Venus at dawn, and yet their silence express tacit approval of authorities who gun people down in the streets for being Black
today marks 2 months of peppy being locked up. please check out the #freepeppyandkrystal website to learn more about the case & send peppy a letter to let him know he’s supported. every letter counts! freepeppyandkrystal.blackblogs.org/write-to-peppy/
all these academics talking about how abolition isn’t shutting down jails make me feel like saying we should tear down all the prison walls, including the university’s. abolition isn’t going to get done in the classroom or by electoral persuasion or by policy