Mary Phillips
ACP HPB dietitian, PhD student, Associate Editor EJCN, SJA volunteer. Views are my own. @nigps, @guildfordHpb, @royalsurrey @uniOfSurrey @GuildfordSJA
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18-06-2021 19:01:18
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Privileged to join this amazing team, looking forward to reading some great research papers European Journal of Clinical Nutrition NIGPS HPB Guildford, Surrey Royal Surrey University of Surrey Surrey Biosciences
A call for more comprehensive nutritional screening to detect patients at risk of surgical complications after PD Royal Surrey British Dietetic Association University of Surrey Nutrients MDPI HPB Guildford, Surrey NIGPS Adam Frampton Denise Robertson…
Amazing team and patient participation at our pancreatitis patient study day HPB Guildford, Surrey Royal Surrey Guts UK Charity
The 6th Guildford PEI Masterclass complete, a great group of dietitians and the amazing Prof John Leeds and Zoe. Thank you all.
Pleased to be launching our practical patient assessment course for dietitians with Caroline Goodger . Please DM or email my NHS email for applications. British Dietetic Association BDA Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Group NIGPS BDA Gastroenterology Specialist Group BDA Oncology Specialist Group Royal Surrey ASPHdietitians
Thank you so much for inviting me, sorry to have to talk about the PERT shortage, hope the latest guidance available PANCREAS SOCIETY GBI helps patients and clinicians HPB Guildford, Surrey NIGPS
Amazing multidisciplinary team HPB Guildford, Surrey at #EPC2024 EPC-Europ Pancr Club in Santiago de compestela, with Oonagh Adam Frampton Irena Stefanova
Nutrition in #pancreas disease is not simple: Mary Phillips at #EPC2024: 44% zinc insufficient in PEI 💊 enzymes need to be stored at < 23-25°C - tell pts before their🏖🏝 🫒 remember no steatorrhea if pt on low-fat diet 👇 read #patientStory EPC-Europ Pancr Club Pancreatic Cancer Europe (PCE) Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery
Dietitians from 4 countries collaborating at the EPC-Europ Pancr Club my_UEG Olga J Zahariev Oonagh NIGPS
A Guildford and Liverpool collaboration HPB Guildford, Surrey Adam Frampton Irena Stefanova NIGPS University of Liverpool
10 year time lapse #EPC2024 & #EPC2014 A decade later & Mary Phillips and me are still stuck in the pancreas! The Pancreatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland NIGPS EPC-Europ Pancr Club. Southampton to Santiago de Compostela and a few wrinkles and grey hairs along the way
Well done Mary Phillips for presenting 2 fantastic posters from her PhD work at #EPC2024 EPC-Europ Pancr Club!!! HPB Guildford, Surrey Royal Surrey University of Surrey NIGPS
Only a few places left, if you're interested in optimising your nutritional assessment skills in complex clinical situations this is the course for you British Dietetic Association NIGPS BDA Gastroenterology Specialist Group