Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) & JNCI Cancer Spectrum publish peer-reviewed #research on #cancer and #oncology. @OUPAcademic journals.
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Study finds that geriatric-assessment driven interventions result in QoL improvements for over 2 years in older patients with head and neck cancers #geriatrics #H&NCancer Philippe Caillet de Decker laure CHU de Nantes Read here: oxford.ly/3A6WVJ5

Study evaluates association between differential censoring with survival and suboptimal control arms among oncology clinical trials Joseph Abi Jaoude Roshal Patel Ramez Kouzy, MD Tel Aviv University UNC-Chapel Hill UTHealth Houston Radiation Oncology | Dartmouth Cancer Center Read here: oxford.ly/3zYxHN7

Study finds air pollution exposure linked to a higher incidence of uterine cancer. Read here: oxford.ly/4dq6wt9 #environmentalhealth Che-Jung Chang @Katie_M_Obrien Rena Jones Alexandra White UNC Public Health NIEHS Cancer Epi & Genetics

Study finds that 1/3 under age 65 with breast cancer report health care costs in excess of 10% of their annual income. Read here: oxford.ly/3WsRX12 #bcsm #cancersurvivorship Nicholas L. Berlin MD, MPH, MS Anaeze Offodile II Michigan Surgery UNC Obstetrics and Gynecology Duke University School of Medicine

Study finds YA cancer survivors are more likely to face material and behavior-related financial hardship than young adults without a history of cancer. Read here: oxford.ly/3SszGzA Donglan "Stacy" Zhang Zhuo Chen UGA nyupublichealth #AYA

An analysis of demographics of participants in clinical trials at the NCI Clinical Center from 2005-2020 compared with the U.S. population and other trial mechanisms finds disparities in clinical trials. Read now: oxford.ly/3LPWIwP Fatima Yaftali Karzai, M.D.

Study finds association between early life exposure to air pollution (PM2.5) and increased risk of childhood cancers. Vegetation density is linked to reduced risk of certain cancers, but increased risk of others. Philip Lupo Read here: oxford.ly/3SGUTpE

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 39 studies indicated that PaP accurately predicts cancer patients' 30-day survival. Read here: oxford.ly/3LVx2Pq #palliativecare School of Nursing and Midwifery – ECU NUS Nursing

Study reports that more than half of adolescents and young adults with cancer receive cancer treatment in the last 3 months of life, and targeted therapy and immunotherapy are on the rise. Read more: oxford.ly/3WRwKiv Mallory Casperson Cactus Cancer Society (Lacuna Loft)

Study reports that utilization of oncology urgent care centers is associated with reduction in ED visits and increase in cost efficiency. Read here: oxford.ly/3YDSIqD #oncologycare Peter Whooley, DO, MBA Fox Chase Cancer Center BIDMC Children's Hospital

Study reports that 45% of childhood cancer survivors report clinically significant sleep concerns decades after completing cancer treatment. #cancersurvivorship Lauren Daniel Tara Brinkman, PhD Robyn Stremler, RN, PhD, FAAN Dr. Valerie Crabtree Read here: oxford.ly/3AkiAOk

Study finds that counties with greater severe housing cost burden had higher premature cancer death rates, and these rates are potentially greater in non-Medicaid expanded states. Read here: oxford.ly/4dDE3jw #SDOH Wayne Lawrence Jen McGee-Avila, PhD, MPH Yingxi Cimo Chen