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The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Indexed on PubMed. Published monthly by @MatrixMedComm

ID: 552071079

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If you missed the 2024 Elevate-Derm East Conference, check out highlights of the research presented on the topics of #acne, #atopicdermatitis, #melanoma, #psoriasis, and #seborrheicdermatitis here! ow.ly/H0hT50SSutp

If you missed the 2024 Elevate-Derm East Conference, check out highlights of the research presented on the topics of #acne, #atopicdermatitis, #melanoma, #psoriasis, and #seborrheicdermatitis here! ow.ly/H0hT50SSutp
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Dr. Tsao discusses the latest innovations in #melanoma care, including neoadjuvant treatments, a personal cancer vaccine, and adoptive cell therapy. ow.ly/Wlen50SWQsL #MauiDerm #NPPA #SkinCancer

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Dr. Harper discusses the latest #acne and #rosacea treatments, such as a new triple-fixed dose topical treatment, the use of oral contraceptives for treating acne, and the new Trifarotene cream. ow.ly/PjKg50SWQPr #MauiDerm #NPPA

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Dr. Del Rosso discusses the FDA’s report on #benzene and benzoyl peroxide in #acne and #rosacea treatment products. ow.ly/8j5K50SWRaR #MauiDerm #NPPA #PatientSafety

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Dr. Frieden discusses the latest updates in pediatric dermatology in #dermoscopy treatment for #melanoma, molluscum oca, and hemangiomas of infancy. ow.ly/myhG50SWRuG #MauiDerm #NPPA #PediatricDermatology

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An ​​8-week E-BPO treatment for #rosacea improves symptoms by decreasing Staphylococcus and increasing Cutibacterium on skin, according to a recent clinical trial. Discover the full findings here. ow.ly/GcKl50SWUL2 #BenzoylPeroxide #ClinicalTrials

An ​​8-week E-BPO treatment for #rosacea improves symptoms by decreasing Staphylococcus and increasing Cutibacterium on skin, according to a recent clinical trial. Discover the full findings here. ow.ly/GcKl50SWUL2 #BenzoylPeroxide #ClinicalTrials
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This review covers clindamycin's efficacy and safety as a topical and systemic treatment for managing #acne vulgaris. With anti-inflammatory properties, #Clindamycin is a valuable treatment option. Read here! ow.ly/AbIN50SWVjg #AcneVulgaris #Antibiotics

This review covers clindamycin's efficacy and safety as a topical and systemic treatment for managing #acne vulgaris. With anti-inflammatory properties, #Clindamycin is a valuable treatment option. Read here! ow.ly/AbIN50SWVjg  #AcneVulgaris #Antibiotics
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#Dermatologists are at increased risk of work-related injury during surgical and #laser procedures. This review highlights ergonomic challenges and suggestions to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Read here! ow.ly/uBMZ50SWYTa #LaserProcedures #WorkRelatedInjury

#Dermatologists are at increased risk of work-related injury during surgical and #laser procedures. This review highlights ergonomic challenges and suggestions to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Read here! ow.ly/uBMZ50SWYTa #LaserProcedures #WorkRelatedInjury
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The term "synchronous" for primary cutaneous #melanomas found within three months should be standardized, according to a systematic review. The analysis emphasized using consistent language for better diagnosis and treatment. Read here! ow.ly/wGEz50SWZI4 #TerminologyMatters

The term "synchronous" for primary cutaneous #melanomas found within three months should be standardized, according to a systematic review. The analysis emphasized using consistent language for better diagnosis and treatment. Read here! ow.ly/wGEz50SWZI4 #TerminologyMatters
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This review discusses the currently available literature supporting use of #CoQ10 in anti-aging over-the-counter topical skincare products, including possible benefits like skin rejuvenation and damage protection. Read here! ow.ly/YiFE50SWZRw #AestheticMedicine #AntiAging

This review discusses the currently available literature supporting use of #CoQ10 in anti-aging over-the-counter topical skincare products, including possible benefits like skin rejuvenation and damage protection. Read here! ow.ly/YiFE50SWZRw #AestheticMedicine #AntiAging
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Veronica Richardson, NP, and JCAD NP+PA Managing Editor Austin Vitelli discuss how NPs and PAs in dermatology can get their research published. ow.ly/LJSl50T6Cz0

Veronica Richardson, NP, and JCAD NP+PA Managing Editor Austin Vitelli discuss how NPs and PAs in dermatology can get their research published. ow.ly/LJSl50T6Cz0
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Literature review suggests the popular use of #biotin as a hair #supplement lacks strong supporting evidence. Research found no significant benefits for hair growth in high-quality studies. Read more here and share your thoughts. ow.ly/qxWq50SX06c #HairCare

Literature review suggests the popular use of #biotin as a hair #supplement lacks strong supporting evidence. Research found no significant benefits for hair growth in high-quality studies. Read more here and share your thoughts. ow.ly/qxWq50SX06c #HairCare
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This research examines the traditional methods currently being used for treating skin aging. #Carboxytherapy is now a safe and minimally-invasive method for rejuvenation, reparation, and reconditioning of the skin. Read here! ow.ly/HmqK50SX0n4 #AestheticMedicine #AntiAging

This research examines the traditional methods currently being used for treating skin aging. #Carboxytherapy is now a safe and minimally-invasive method for rejuvenation, reparation, and reconditioning of the skin. Read here! ow.ly/HmqK50SX0n4 #AestheticMedicine #AntiAging
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It is our privilege to announce a third round of accomplished dermatologists as Special Section Assistant Editors of JCAD. Read more here: ow.ly/mXt050TekqX

It is our privilege to announce a third round of accomplished dermatologists as Special Section Assistant Editors of JCAD. Read more here: ow.ly/mXt050TekqX
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In this brief report, the authors describe multiple cases of patients with psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, acanthosis nigricans, and Hailey-Hailey disease for which patients experienced improvement after treatment with GLP-1 therapy for weight-loss. ow.ly/Mxoa50Tj8li

In this brief report, the authors describe multiple cases of patients with psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, acanthosis nigricans, and Hailey-Hailey disease for which patients experienced improvement after treatment with GLP-1 therapy for weight-loss. ow.ly/Mxoa50Tj8li
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JCAD Clinical Editor-in-Chief, James Del Rosso, DO, shares his thoughts on some of the newly published articles found in the September 2024 issue of The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Read the full issue here: ow.ly/jmZQ50TkbRq

JCAD Clinical Editor-in-Chief, James Del Rosso, DO, shares his thoughts on some of the newly published articles found in the September 2024 issue of The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Read the full issue here: ow.ly/jmZQ50TkbRq
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In more recent decades, there has also been more attention devoted to how acne may present and be managed in individuals with skin of color. Read more here: ow.ly/1IQC50Tj90m

In more recent decades, there has also been more attention devoted to how acne may present and be managed in individuals with skin of color. Read more here: ow.ly/1IQC50Tj90m
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A variety of clinically relevant posters were presented at this year's SCALE 2024 meeting. SCALE Program Directors, Michael Gold, MD, and Brian Biesman, MD, have collaborated with JCAD to compile abstracts from a select group of research posters presented. ow.ly/flqs50Tpb7R

A variety of clinically relevant posters were presented at this year's SCALE 2024 meeting. SCALE Program Directors, Michael Gold, MD, and Brian Biesman, MD, have collaborated with JCAD to compile abstracts from a select group of research posters presented. ow.ly/flqs50Tpb7R
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At the Maui Derm NP+PA Fall 2024 conference, Dr. Jason Hawkes discussed the influx of new and emerging oral therapies that have demonstrated success in treating psoriasis. jcad.tv/jason-hawkes-m…

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This study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels when added to hydroquinone and tretinoin in the treatment of melasma in Hispanic women. ow.ly/C2Rb50TtPAY Deyson Lorenzo

This study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels when added to hydroquinone and tretinoin in the treatment of melasma in Hispanic women. ow.ly/C2Rb50TtPAY <a href="/Deyson/">Deyson</a> Lorenzo