Jacob Pérez Landeros
Cardiología Clínica CMNO / Fellow Cardiología intervencionista CMNO
ID: 2259352873
23-12-2013 19:59:15
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🔴Antithrombotic Therapy in High Bleeding Risk ⤵️State-Of-The-Art #2024Review JACC Journals 🔹Part I: Percutaneous Cardiac Interventions 🔹Part II: Noncardiac Percutaneous Interventions 🔹jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.… 🔹sciencedirect.com/science/articl… #Cardiology

🆕Hoy el Dr Christiaan JM Vrints en el Webinar de المجلس الصحي السعودي presentó el algoritmo de revascularización basado en las guías #ESC CCS 2024 que, llamativamente, no se encuentra en el documento📄. Aquí lo comparto! 📌Destaco la CR-LOE IA para #CABG en enfermedad MV con BFSVI. Consejo de Cardiología Clínica y Terapéutica🩺 SAC

DISECCIÓN CORONARIA ESPONTÁNEA #SCAD Revisión JACC Journals 🆓 🔴Entidad con muchos "gaps" en el conocimiento 🤔 🔴Fisiopatología: hematoma intramural, flap, hormonas femeninas, genética, etc 🤯 🔴Dx: CCG o tomografía 🔴Tratamiento: 💊SAPT y betabloqueantes? PCI o CABG ❌

Coronary Physiological Indexes to Evaluate Myocardial Ischemia in Patients With Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Valve Replacement: JACC Journals 🥸 Do rely on FFR/DFR in AS patients undergoing AVR? 😱 Does AS mask coronary physiology?? 👇👇👇

Update on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Complications of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: Journal of Invasive Cardiology 🥸 Great review by the Minneapolis Heart Institute team 😱 I will do 40 points instead of my usual 20 🥸Congratulations to authors 👇👇👇

INFARTO DE MIOCARDIO TIPO 2 Desafíos en diagnóstico y tratamiento Revisión European Society of Cardiology Journals 🆓 Hilo 🧵 academic.oup.com/eurheartj/adva…

My favorite way for Fluoro-guided pericardiocentesis learnt from Nicholas Hanna, MD, FACC 1-90 degree lateral (you can get fairly quick) 2-Identify xiphoid under x-ray with your finger 3- needle of choice filled with 100% contrast (my fav is micropuncture in small pts and spinal in large

"Does lowering LDL-C to very low levels result in long-term cognitive impairment?" 🧠🫀 I've heard this question many times. Now we have long-term data. A 🧵 on our new NEJM Evidence paper: evidence.nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… TIMI Study Group Robert Giugliano Michelle O'Donoghue

Drug-Coated Balloons for the Treatment of Coronary Artery DiseaseA Review: JAMA Cardiology 🥸 So sorry - not lazy, but I think journals are slower during holidays :) 😱 I found something - 👇👇👇

ESTENOSIS AÓRTICA, INSUFICIENCIA CARDÍACA Y REEMPLAZO VALVULAR JAMA Cardiology 🆓 🔴Remodelado VI por imágenes y biomarcadores y remodaldo reverso post AVR 🔴Multimagen: funcional y calcio 🔴Factores contribuyentes a la insuficiencia cardiaca en EAO sometidos a TAVR y SAVR