The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines (IMol), Polish Academy of Sciences
ID: 1341332368364335105
https://imol.institute/ 22-12-2020 10:39:21
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We are glad to announce that Prof. Magda Konarska received the NCN OPUS 25 Grant. This project will examine how the splice signals are recognized in the catalytic center before the second step of splicing. Narodowe Centrum Nauki

We are glad to announce that the Minister of Science and Higher Education awarded a scholarship to Dr. Paweł Mikulski as one of the outstanding young scientists. Congratulations, Pawel Mikulski! Narodowe Centrum Nauki Polska Akademia Nauk Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego

Postdoctoral position to study the basic splicing mechanisms available in RNA Biology Lab at IMol. Join Prof. Magda Konarska Lab in uncovering dynamic rearrangements within the RNA core of the yeast spliceosome. Funded by OPUS grant financed by Narodowe Centrum Nauki euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/256082

Profesor Agnieszka Chacińska, Dyrektor IMol, na liście „Forbes Women” – „50 po 50”, czyli liście 50 kobiet sukcesu po 50. roku życia. Listę uświetniają takie osoby jak Krystyna Janda, Anna Strezynska , czy Ewa Błaszczyk. Gratulujemy! Polska Akademia Nauk forbes.pl/forbeswomen/li…

The AMBER call is now open and will close on September 6th. Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska is seeking 2 postdoctoral researchers for 2 projects in structural biology and molecular cell biology and proteomics. For more information, visit: euraxess.se/jobs/231943 FNP Foundation for Polish Science Polska Akademia Nauk

PROTAC technology - new way to treat cancer by destroying harmful proteins in cancer cells. Anna Marusiak Group with their U.S. colleagues has created a PROTAC compound specifically for breast cancer! pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac… Anna Marusiak Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Join IMol Science Club with Dr. Piotr Kowalski who will give a lecture on "Engineering Future RNA Therapeutics" on Oct 2nd, 2024 at M. Flisa 6, Warsaw. Host: Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska, Director of IMol

Dr Tomasz Stępkowski and the colleagues led by Agnieszka Chacińska together with the researchers from the IMol Proteomics core facility led by Dr Remigiusz Serwa reveal in Cell Reports how mitochondrial stress affects protein synthesis: sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Narodowe Centrum Nauki Polska Akademia Nauk