Héctor Pérez
Microsoft MVP | Devs School | El Camino Dev
ID: 41378270
https://elcamino.dev 20-05-2009 15:17:59
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Hello devs! This is my contribution to the #MAUIUIJuly organized by Matt Goldman: devs.school/net-maui-data-…, which is about using multiple Data Templates to apply different designs to the items of a CollectionView. I hope you enjoy it. #dotnetmaui dotnet MAUI
I'm no expert on authentication, but luckily I know Anjuli Jhakry who knows all about Entra ID & .NET MAUI! And in her latest video you can learn all about how to get started with adding Entra ID to your .NET MAUI iOS & Android apps. Check it out! youtube.com/watch?v=UaGNCP…
I've been working on a Figma to .NET MAUI XAML design converter for a while now. What do you think about it? #dotnetmaui dotnet MAUI
Here is another demonstration of the Figma to .NET MAUI XAML layout converter, this time with a layout that I consider more complex, as it includes many layers with opacity. #dotnetmaui dotnet MAUI Gerald Versluis
Hello Devs! This week, check out a video on the Telerik AIPrompt control for .NET MAUI. It combines services like Azure OpenAI to deliver a great user experience. 🎥 EN: youtu.be/f5VibDx7lr4 🎥 ES: youtu.be/-K58t6lwyxc #dotnetmaui Srinath Nanduri Progress Telerik Sam Basu
Discover how to combine content views with bindable properties to build custom controls in #DotNetMAUI! In his blog, Héctor Pérez will guide you through creating a task progress component so you can start coding smarter! Come check it out: prgress.co/4czPrfw
Sands of MAUI: Issue #156 #DotNetMAUI telerik.com/blogs/sands-ma… Newsmakers: .NET James Montemagno Héctor Pérez @davidortinau Matt Goldman
Amigos estamos buscando nombre para el próximo evento tech de .NET que queremos organizar con Héctor Pérez. Cual de estos nombres les suena más? o también en los comentarios nos pueden compartir ideas.
dotnet LATAM Day 2024, no te pierdas este evento online organizado en colaboración con Héctor Pérez mteheran.dev/dotnet-latam-d…
Time to master .NET MAUI Shell! In Part 1 of Héctor Pérez's new blog series, learn how to create a Shell file & build a robust app hierarchy! Want to give your skills a little boost? Jump in: prgress.co/3XJpJRz #DotNetMAUI
Sands of MAUI: Issue #159 #DotNetMAUI telerik.com/blogs/sands-ma… Newsmakers: Stephen Toub Matthew Robbins InfinitespaceStudios Héctor Pérez James Montemagno banditoth
Time for Issue #159 of Sands of MAUI: /#dotNET Performance - Stephen Toub /.NET MAUI Showcase - Martin Mora & Matthew Robbins /Android Assets - InfinitespaceStudios /#DotNetMAUI Shell - Héctor Pérez /Publish Apps - James Montemagno & banditoth Jump in 👉 prgress.co/4d8wwZi
Get ready to dive deeper into #DotNetMAUI Shell with Part 2 of Héctor Pérez's series! Learn how to easily create hierarchies & customize a Shell file to fit your needs: prgress.co/3znLxZA
Sands of MAUI: Issue #160 #DotNetMAUI telerik.com/blogs/sands-ma… Newsmakers: .NET @davidortinau TJ Lambert Mike Corsaro Héctor Pérez Daniel Roth Víctor Hugo García
Issue #160 of Sands of MAUI is here with hot topics like: /#dotNET 9 Update - .NET /.NET MAUI Community Standup - @davidortinau & TJ Lambert /.NET MAUI Shell - Héctor Pérez /.NET Smart Components - Daniel Roth /#DotNetMAUI on macOS - Víctor Hugo García Jump in 👉 prgress.co/3BjG1YE
All good things must end even Héctor Pérez's awesome “Mastering .NET MAUI Shell” series! Learn how to navigate between pages, & add powerful search functionality with SearchHandlers & elevate your cross-platform app: prgress.co/3N0LJ3X
Ya tenemos unos speakers de talla mundial confirmados para dotnetlatamday.com El Bruno 🇨🇦 💙 💜 🎗️ Lautaro Carro ⭐⭐⭐ y Héctor Pérez estarán presentes con charlas sobre IA y arquitectura!