Filip Boen
ID: 881431851595952128
02-07-2017 08:38:24
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NEW PAPER 2-9: Vanderlinden et al. To be well or not to be well: compositional associations of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep with mental well-being in Flemish adults aged 55+ years Read open access @: Julie Vanderlinden Greg Biddle Filip Boen
🏆 Katrien Fransen has been selected as one of the top 10 researchers in the field of social sciences for the USERN award, a testament to the efforts of our research group! 🏆 👉A public vote will co-decide on the winner. Please share your vote here:… 🙏!
🚨Don’t miss out on the 🔥 FIFA Expert Session on Leadership 🔥by Katrien Fransen! 👉Watch the this inspiring session on:… Prefer to watch the video in Dutch? 👉…
Opening keynote by Prof Brett Smith Brett Smith Moving Social Work: A new evidence-based and co-produced programme to promote physical activity to disabled people.
Thanks Hilde Crevits for welcoming the delegates of the #HEPAEurope2023 conference KU Leuven and for prioritising the promotion of physical activity in your preventive health policy #hepa2023 HEPA Europe WHO/Europe
Sad to be leaving HEPA Europe Leuven - but taking a wee souvenir to remember an amazing 3 days 😉😉
Nothing than good memories! Discover the wonderful #HEPAEurope2023 #HEPA2023 conference photos KU Leuven HEPA Europe WHO/Europe Credits to photographer Ives Jossa
💡 Gedeeld leiderschap in Kamp Waes: Effectief leiderschap zit niet in ervaring of leeftijd, maar wel in draagvlak en samenwerking. 🤝 👉 Onze Shared Leadership Mapping brengt de leiderschapsstructuur in kaart:… ▶ Katrien Fransen:
Want to know about leadership across cultures? Come see my poster at 9:30am FEPSAC- Congress 2024! Leading Insights