Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile
Francisca Castro


Postdoctoral Researcher @ISDCBerlin / PhD @HumboldtUni / Intrastate conflict, social movements, and state repression

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Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ever since I watched The Settlers a couple of months ago (now available on MUBI) I started reading about the Selk’nam genocide. I just found this amazing paper that links the genocide to the process of state-building in Chile. Fascinating read.…

Ross Dahlke 🔑 (@ross_dahlke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Current events and social movements change parenting and socialization processes, for example, with the Black Lives Matter movement changing parenting priorities, finds Anoll Drew Engelhardt @DrMackIT in American Political Science Review…

Current events and social movements change parenting and socialization processes, for example, with the Black Lives Matter movement changing parenting priorities, finds Anoll <a href="/_amengel/">Drew Engelhardt</a> @DrMackIT in <a href="/apsrjournal/">American Political Science Review</a>…
Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some professional news: Soon I'll be joining ISDC Berlin as a postdoctoral research fellow! Sad to leave Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, but excited about this new professional stage and to continue working on conflict and development. Now, to finish/submit my doctoral dissertation 😅.

OOIR (@observeir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trending in #PoliticalScience:… 1) Exposure to Poor People Weakens Support for Redistribution among the Rich (British Jnl Poli Sci) 2) Does electoral behavior change after a protest cycle? Chile & Bolivia (@electoralstdies) 3) Explaining Rural Conservatism:

Trending in #PoliticalScience:…

1) Exposure to Poor People Weakens Support for Redistribution among the Rich (<a href="/BJPolS/">British Jnl Poli Sci</a>)

2) Does electoral behavior change after a protest cycle? Chile &amp; Bolivia (@electoralstdies)

3) Explaining Rural Conservatism:
UCDP (@ucdp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Never before have there been so many armed conflicts around the globe. New data from UCDP at UppsalaPeaceConflict out today - a record-high number of 59 state-based armed conflicts recorded in 2023.

Never before have there been so many armed conflicts around the globe. New data from UCDP at
<a href="/UU_Peace/">UppsalaPeaceConflict</a> out today - a record-high number of 59 state-based armed conflicts recorded in 2023.
Swen Hutter (@swenhutter) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❓Are the Politically Active Better Represented❓ Jennifer Oser will answer this question in her talk on June 28, 2024, at 4 pm. Please join us ONLINE or WZB The talk is part of our lecture series "Political Conflict and Civil Society"

The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING: Bolivia coup attempt being led by general Juan José Zuniga, who says 'We will take back our homeland. Our country can’t continue like this.'

BREAKING: Bolivia coup attempt being led by general Juan José Zuniga, who says 'We will take back our homeland. Our country can’t continue like this.'
Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Train on time (wow), wi-fi working fine, seems like a great start to this EPSA season. On my way to Köln a day early to present a coauthored work with Jennifer Oser and Jesper Lindqvist at the GESIS Comp Pol Cologne workshop on Multi-Data Perspectives on Democracy.

Train on time (wow), wi-fi working fine, seems like a great start to this EPSA season. On my way to Köln a day early to present a coauthored work with <a href="/jennifer_oser/">Jennifer Oser</a> and <a href="/JesLindqvist/">Jesper Lindqvist</a> at the <a href="/gesis_org/">GESIS</a> <a href="/CompPolCologne/">Comp Pol Cologne</a> workshop on Multi-Data Perspectives on Democracy.
Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Later today (15.00) I’l be presenting my research on how conflict affects women’s political aspirations in Perú in this stellar Gender and Conflict panel EPSA #EPSA2024.

Later today (15.00) I’l be presenting my research on how conflict affects women’s political aspirations in Perú in this stellar Gender and Conflict panel <a href="/europsa/">EPSA</a> #EPSA2024.
Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quarto/Markdown people: what could be the reason of equations not displaying correctly (shown as code and not the actual equation) when rendering into html? Asking for a friend (me, using a conference-provided laptop, after realizing that it destroyed all my nice equations 😬).

Juliana Tappe Ortiz (@tappeortiz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear junior scholars, two post docs associated with this project, including myself, left early due to the working environment. If you have questions regarding the position, feel free to reach out.…

Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming back to Berlin after spending the last 10 days in Congo to kick-off the fieldwork for a joint project with UNHCR. Great people and amazing food. We got to travel all the way up to Bétou, a host city for refugees from CAR and DRC. We also tried the local beer 👌

Coming back to Berlin after spending the last 10 days in Congo to kick-off the fieldwork for a joint project with UNHCR.  Great people and amazing food. We got to travel all the way up to Bétou, a host city for refugees from CAR and DRC. We also tried the local beer 👌
Francisca Castro (@fcastro_g) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tomorrow I’ll be presenting at two panels one after the other (thanks for the morning jog #APSA2024). At 8am, coauthored work w/ Samson Yuen on how protests radicalize. At 10am, a project w/ Jennifer Oser on how politicians benefit from policy congruence with social movements

Tomorrow I’ll be presenting at two panels one after the other (thanks for the morning jog #APSA2024). At 8am, coauthored work w/ <a href="/SamsonYuen852/">Samson Yuen</a> on how protests radicalize. At 10am, a project w/ <a href="/jennifer_oser/">Jennifer Oser</a> on how politicians benefit from policy congruence with social movements