David Krizaj (@dkrizaj) 's Twitter Profile
David Krizaj


Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Director, Vision Research Training Program, University of Utah

ID: 239537142

calendar_today17-01-2011 21:17:32

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UAB Callahan Eye (@uabophtho) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A big thank you to David Krizaj from Moran Eye Center, for sharing your expertise as an invited speaker at our #RichLectureSeries. Your insights have enlightened and inspired!

A big thank you to <a href="/dkrizaj/">David Krizaj</a> from <a href="/MoranEyeCenter/">Moran Eye Center</a>, for sharing your expertise as an invited speaker at our #RichLectureSeries. Your insights have enlightened and inspired!
David Krizaj (@dkrizaj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Rafael Grytz and colleagues at the Callahan Eye Institute for the generous hosting and scintillating conversations that will stay with me for a long time. What a great place to do vision research!!!

Thank you Rafael Grytz and colleagues at the Callahan Eye Institute for the generous hosting and scintillating conversations that will stay with me for a long time. What a great place to do vision research!!!
Christine A. Curcio PhD (@amd_histo_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We love visitors to UAB – David Krizaj is THE expert on mechanoreceptors in the front and back of the eye! And dining with Rafael Grytz and Konark Mukerjee at Bocca in downtown Birmingham was great fun. 😋 Glad you could join us, David! UAB Callahan Eye; UAB Heersink School of Medicine; David Krizaj;

We love visitors to UAB – David Krizaj is THE expert on mechanoreceptors in the front and back of the eye! And dining with Rafael Grytz and Konark Mukerjee at Bocca in downtown Birmingham was great fun. 😋 Glad you could join us, David! <a href="/UABophtho/">UAB Callahan Eye</a>; <a href="/UABHeersink/">UAB Heersink School of Medicine</a>; <a href="/dkrizaj/">David Krizaj</a>;
nature (@nature) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Obituary: Frans de Waal (1948–2024), primatologist who questioned the uniqueness of human minds go.nature.com/3PZvuGq

Howard Crawford (@hccvpdac) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The costs of adding more administrators adds to the financial costs. Yet, even with more administrators *most* of the burden still falls on the researchers…adding to burnout, stealing time from the job they’re paid to do, etc. This is the dumb choice we are making as a society.

HHMI | Janelia (@hhmijanelia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New research led by Carolyn Ott, a senior scientist Lippincott-Schwartz Lab, provides the most detailed & comprehensive description yet of cilia in the mouse visual cortex, giving scientists new insights into the formation & function of this small & elusive organelle. 🔗doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.…

Tibor Rohacs (@rohacstibor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gain of function mutations in the TRPV4 #ionchannel cause a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological diseases, but the mechanism is unclear. A new paper shows the role of endothelial cells in blood-CNS barrier breakdown. science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Rob Henderson (@robkhenderson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I read the Bronze Age Pervert book; weird and entertaining. Stripped to its essential point is this passage here, echoing Marx's idea of false consciousness.

I read the Bronze Age Pervert book; weird and entertaining. Stripped to its essential point is this passage here, echoing Marx's idea of false consciousness.
Tibor Rohacs (@rohacstibor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper on how the plasma membrane #phospholipid PIP2 modulates the activity of the TRPC3 #ionchannel nature.com/articles/s4146…

Alexander (@datepsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between female and male brains. The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a "continuum."”

“A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between female and male brains. The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a "continuum."”
Jash Dholani (@oldbooksguy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

10/ Bill Watterson explains how selling out is actually buying in: “Selling out is usually more a matter of buying in. Sell out, and you're really buying into someone else's system of values, rules & rewards” Buying into someone else's system of values is how you lose your soul

Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Universal free school meals amount to redistribution directly to families and they lower local grocery prices for everyone. That alone seems to be enough to justify them, but they might also come with other benefits that make them even more beneficial and worth promoting.

Universal free school meals amount to redistribution directly to families and they lower local grocery prices for everyone.

That alone seems to be enough to justify them, but they might also come with other benefits that make them even more beneficial and worth promoting.