George Burghel - جورج برغل
Cancer genomics scientist with Levantine DNA…. #NHS #NWGLH #CancerGenomics #Genomics #Cancer #ClinicalScientist #Runner #Cyclist
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https://instagram.com/beit_bourghol?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 05-04-2016 16:09:53
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🍽️BSGM Lunch & Learn 📅Wed 22 May 12:30 🗣️first authors Miranda Durkie 💙🧬 & Emma-Jane cassidy present new ACGS guidelines for variant Classification in Rare Disease acgs.uk.com/media/12533/uk… Spaces are filling up! Register now: my.bsgm.org.uk #Genetics #RareDisease

ESMO recommendations for the use of NGS for patients with advanced cancer which includes the use of tumour NGS to detect tumour-agnostic alterations in patients with metastatic cancers where access to matched therapies is available 🧬 #cancer #genomics annalsofoncology.org/article/S0923-…

Updated genetic and epidemiological study of Schwannomatosis & NF2 related Schwannomatosis 👇🏼 #NF2 #genomics #schwannomatosis The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub jmg.bmj.com/content/early/…

🆕 Updated prevalence of NF2-related schwannomatosis ▶️ Much higher rate of de novo NF2 than previously reported ▶️ Study strength: Data from a centrally held NF2 UK database, where molecular and clinical data are updated regularly ▶️ bit.ly/4bxi0d1 👥 George Burghel - جورج برغل

Huge congratulations to our Clinical Director Bill Newman Prof Bill Newman on this prestigious award. #genetics #genomics #GenomicMedicine #RareDisease #Pharmacogenomics #Pharmacogenetics #ClinicalGenetics

Germline testing for breast cancer patients in England: illogical to prioritise grade 1 breast cancer aged 30-39 over grade 3 aged 40-49 years? ⬇️ The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub Emma Woodward jmg.bmj.com/content/early/… #cancer #cancergenetics #breastcancer #genomics

Our latest study published in GIM showing the importance of BRIP1 pathogenic variants in Ovarian cancer with thoughts on Lynch screening ⬇️ #cancergenetics #cancergenomics #genomics #BRIP1 #ovariancancer #cancer The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub Emma Woodward Niki Flaum gimjournal.org/article/S1098-…

⚠️Breast Cancer patients in England: bit.ly/3yr9dvA ▶️ Pathogenic BRCA1/2 variants are less likely in women under 40 w/ grade 1 breast cancer than in those aged 40-49 w/ grade 3 cancer ▶️ Prioritize PV likelihood over age criteria 👥George Burghel - جورج برغل Emma Woodward

As part of GREGoR Consortium , we are excited to announce new guidance to encourage clinical labs to report novel candidate genes during clinical testing. We give criteria for triaging, sharing, and reporting novel genes through various methods. authors.elsevier.com/c/1jcDA3vlFV4E…

Excellent work showing the importance of comprehensive genetic testing in people with schwannomas who do not meet clinical diagnostic criteria for NF2-related schwannomatosis #NF2 #schwannomatosis #genetictesting #variantinterpretation #NWGLH #UoM The North West Genomic Laboratory Hub pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39209702/

Excellent work by Charlie Rowlands and team at ICR and CanVIG - if you do variant classification, then this tool is a must #PS4 #casecontrolanalysis #variantclassification #CanVIG #cancer #cancergenetics Clare Turnbull- Prof/NHS Dr Miranda Durkie 💙🧬 Alice Garrett pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39227160/

Colin Lindsay presenting a future perspective on non-KRAS G12C mutations in NSCLC at #ESMO24. A top down (clinical) and bottom up (preclinical/translation) approach required for breakthroughs. Exciting time for pan ras / pan KRAS inhibitors Colin Lindsay MCRRASLab Manchester Cancer Research Centre