The Lab of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis
Jan Terje Andersen, professor
ID: 949760483510407170 06-01-2018 21:51:59
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This week visited Moss to meet great scientists and start a great project together. A pleasure to have participated in the organization of the kick-off. Precision Immunotherapy Alliance is here!!
"By building sub-initiatives, a national center for manufacturing will take shape. In our view, immunology is the logical starting point for this initiative," writes Hanne M Kristensen LifeScienceCluster and Jan Terje Andersen UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Oslounivsykehus #PRIMA…
Always great to be back in #Boston at the 4th Fc-Mediated Function Summit! 🇺🇸Fruitful discussions and new collaborators. Looking forward to joining forces. 🔬 Hanson Wade UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Norges forskningsråd Precision Immunotherapy Alliance
In this Perspective in Nature Rev Immunol, we discuss strategies to confer cell-intrinsic, immune-evasive properties to allogeneic T cells and NK cells in order to prevent or delay their immune rejection Precision Immunotherapy Alliance, UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Oslounivsykehus Center for Infectious Medicine
Fun to have Stephen Beers in town! He gave an engaging guest lecture on the impact of the tumour microenvironment and host factors on responses to #antibody therapy. A big thank you to Ful Ruso-Julve Precision Immunotherapy Alliance UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Norges forskningsråd University of Southampton Oslounivsykehus
Exciting to see that Mage Biologics has queued a Phase I study (NCT06363383) of the #antibody candidate MB-001 in healthy volunteers.👫The company is using an antibody technology developed in our lab. Tillotts Pharma Inven2as Precision Immunotherapy Alliance…
We welcome a new member to our lab and Precision Immunotherapy Alliance. Fabio Ruggeri will work on new protein designs to fight infections and cancer. UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Oslounivsykehus Oslo Science City Norwegian Society for Immunology Inven2as
VG banket på døra🕵🏻♂️ Les om vår forskning og utviklingen av en ny biomedisinsk teknologi som vi nå tester ut for flere sykdommer. Viktigheten av langsiktig fokusert grunnforskning, finansiering og talentene. Precision Immunotherapy Alliance UiO - Det medisinske fakultet…
Stas med førsteside i VG! Vi brenner for å formidle vår forskning og ambisjon om å ta kunnskap i bruk! Precision Immunotherapy Alliance UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Oslounivsykehus Norges forskningsråd Norwegian Society for Immunology Authera
Authera is making progress on its innovative drug development program with the aim to provide new treatment options in #ophthalmology.Thankful for the support from Norges Blindeforbund!Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park ShareLab Oslo…
Sopisa is just back from another reserach stay at Roche in #Penzberg! Academia and industry - bridging in-depth molecular and cellular knowledge with protein engineering. UiO:Livsvitenskap UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Oslounivsykehus Precision Immunotherapy Alliance Inven2as
A warm welcome to Nikoline Rasmussen as a #PRIMA postdoc in our group and Precision Immunotherapy Alliance 🙌 She will work on protein engineering strategies guided by molecular and cellular insights. Tumor targeting and eradication as well as immunomodulatory designs. Oslounivsykehus Norges forskningsråd
We heartily welcome Daniela Bejan as a PhD student to our lab & Precision Immunotherapy Alliance. She will work on innovative protein design strategies tailored to control a range of diseases. 🧫💊 Funded by Helse Sør-Øst RHF Oslounivsykehus UiO - Det medisinske fakultet
On the cover of a magazine! 🎈Great collaboration with Andreas Laustsen and the team🔬
Last week was fun 🎈 Mark Cragg in Oslo as Visiting Professor of Precision Immunotherapy Alliance. Engaging talks and discussions on immunotherapy and how to engineer #antibodies for agonism. University of Southampton UiO - Det medisinske fakultet Norges forskningsråd Norwegian Society for Immunology
A seminar celebrating 🎈Richard Hatchett's honorary doctorate at UiO - Det medisinske fakultet! CEPI Precision Immunotherapy Alliance Oslounivsykehus Folkehelseinstituttet Nærings&fiskeridep Kunnskapsdepartement
Proud of Authera and Simone Mester From master's degree to PhD to CEO in 2022. Simone is one of the winners of Women TechEU! Thank you for the support. Norges forskningsråd Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park…