Afshan Khan
UN Assistant Secretary-General, Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, @SUN_Movement
ID: 568562962 01-05-2012 21:41:19
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Delighted to deliver the keynote at this #HLPF2024 side event organized by SwitzerlandUN Swiss Development and Cooperation. By focusing on dietary diversity and evidence-informed actions, we can achieve the #Agenda2030. Thanks to country leadership, like that shown by🇨🇭🇲🇼🇧🇩🇧🇷, we can #PowerTheChange.
So great to meet United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed and discuss how #nutrition touches on so many #SDGs. Collaboration across sectors and with many partners can #PowerTheChange for nutritiON 🔛🟢.
Making healthy diets affordable & accessible requires concerted efforts that cut across systems for delivering food & health. Great joining Brieuc Pont #N4GParis IRC - International Rescue Committee 1,000 Days World Vision Save the Children International & others at #HLPF to discuss concrete interventions for #Nutrition4All.
To drive change, we need to affirm that #nutrition outcomes, supported by inclusive governance, are at the heart of #foodsystems transformation. Thank you UN Food Systems Coordination Hub Stefanos Fotiou, @unicef, Abigail Perry World Food Programme for highlighting the need to #PowerTheChange for SDG2 at #HLPF2024
As we celebrate the achievements of young athletes at the #Paris2024 The Olympic Games, let's not forget the millions of children without access to basic #nutrition & vaccines. With Dr Sania Nishtar, I explore how integrated solutions can #PowerTheChange. 📰Inter Press Service:…