APSA Latino Caucus
Established to promote & protect the professional development & well-being of Latina/os in Political Sci & those interested in the study of Latino/a politics
ID: 1167275415972536323
https://www.apsalatinocaucus.com/ 30-08-2019 03:18:50
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Thank you to everyone who came to the #APSA2022 Latino Caucus business meeting! Special thanks to the new officers Bernard L. Fraga, Sophia Jordán Wallace, Jennifer Martinez-Medina, and M García-Castañon Pleased to announce the new website is now LIVE! apsalatinocaucus.com
I was the Comm Director for the APSA Latino Caucus Caucus for 5 or 6 years. During that time, I made it my mission to create a new website (with an easy domain !) and I’m so proud and excited that it’s finally here!! With that I’m happy to step down from the Exec team!
On behalf of the APSA Latino Caucus Caucus Cristina Beltrán, Angel Saavedra and myself (best book committee members) we are overjoyed to announce the 2022 Best Book Award winners at #APSA2022. We recognized 3 outstanding books: 2 for best book awards and 1 honorable mention. Our winners are:
So happy to be able to recognize Cristina’s incredible book “Cruelty as Citizenship: How Migrant Suffering Sustains White Democracy”and give her this award IN PERSON for her 2021 best book award in Latina/o/x politics! Cristina Beltrán #apsa2022 APSA Latino Caucus
We were also able to formally (and in-person) recognize and honor the 2021 co-winner of the APSA Latino Caucus Best book award Michael Jones-Correa and James McCann for their book: Holding Fast: Resilience and Civic Engagement Among Latino Immigrants russellsage.org/publications/h… 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
Now Live! Dr. Niambi M. Carter and I are so excited to begin receiving applications for the 2022-2023 Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) Book Workshop Grant, please apply and spread the word to colleagues cc APSA Latino Caucus National Conference of Black Political Scientists apsanet.org/DIVERSITY/Dive…
Hey APSA Section on Class and Inequality APSA Latino Caucus APSA I am trying to let people know about our new call for papers. rsfjournal.org/page/pages/abo…. If you can spread the word I would appreciate it. #rsfjournal
UCSB Dept. of Comm is hiring an Assistant Professor in Political Communication! I'm happy to answer qs about the job & hope you will apply to join our amazing department! Pls share widely! recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02292 APSA & ICA Political Communication Divisions The Communication & Technology Division of ICA AEJMC Political Communication Division APSA Latino Caucus
Our priority application deadline is approaching (10/17). Come work in our department! TT line in Political Science with a focus on law and politics. APSA Law and Courts APSA Women's Caucus APSA Latino Caucus POCAlsoKnowStuff womenalsoknowstuff careers.fresnostate.edu/en-us/job/5186…
ICYMI: APSA Latino Caucus is celebrating their 25th anniversary at the APSA annual meeting in LA! Sign up for the APSA Latino Caucus Short Course when you register for APSA to participate.