Apricot Tree Cafe
A place where Great Air Quality meets Great Food. Live AQ levels posted at the entrance. Masked Server can be requested.
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https://www.apricottreecafe.com/ 06-02-2022 23:44:57
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Another country ( Netherland) has recognized the importance of better indoor air quality in classrooms. Meanwhile, Ontario and its current and former education ministers are still stuck in 2019 Jill Dunlop Stephen Lecce

To the Chief Medical Officer of Ontario: Medical settings need to be SAFER SPACES for BOTH patients & staff Masking can't be put on the shoulders of Ontario's MOST VULNERABLE ..that's your job. Bring back masks back into healthcare. Signed Ontario Ministry of Health Ontario Medical Association

A classroom would probably need 2 Filters. Each one was $ 2500. But there are less expensive models out there. Some even build there own. Like Shiven Taneja Richard Corsi, PhD, PE (Texas) And a good Air Particulate Monitor is needed to keep track. Piera Systems