AnÍbal Vargas Ríos
PhD en Ciencias Fisiológicas. Postdoctorante en proyecto LiSIUM de la U. Mayor y de CZI iniciative to expand global acces to bioimaging #LightSheet #microscopy
ID: 1585436739933437953
http://www.lightsheetchile.cl 27-10-2022 01:02:47
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On today’s microscopy menu: STED with a sprinkle of iPALM ✨ #IALSJanelia AIC at Janelia Janelia Conferences

This is one of those good days where you find answers and know what to do to improve. Thanks to all instructor of today for that. #southamericanlightsheet #spreadtheknowledge #IALSJanelia AIC at Janelia

Janelia's sky #sunday #IALSJanelia AIC at Janelia

the #zebrafish is always looking back at you. #ExpansionMicroscopy #Microscopy #MicroscopyMonday #IALS2024 AIC at Janelia

Two amazing weeks in HHMI | Janelia! Thanks AIC at Janelia team and Teng-Leong Chew 周呈隆 for the opportunity to allow me to attend of this unforgettable course. This experience encourages us to deal with the challenges of spread the light-sheet🔬 in our region. #southamericanlightsheet

Proud to present this incredible image of human iPSC-derived forebrain #organoids made by Clara Hayn for drug neurotoxicity testing #LSFM #ExM reveal condensed chromosomes coated with Ki-67🟢in mitotic neural #stemcells (Sox2⚪️Zo1🔴) within a neural rosette #FluoresenceFriday

Atención!! Abrimos la segunda Jornada Lightsheet Imaging 2024 en Center for Integrative Biology U. Mayor totalmente gratuita para investigadores externos a nuestro centro. 👇 docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #openlab #openscience #lightsheetmicroscopy #lightsheetcommunity #southamericanlightsheet #openlightsheet

Nueva jornada de Lightsheet imaging! Por todo el mes de septiembre el único microscopio #lightsheet ZEISS Microscopy de la región estará abierto para usuarios externos ¡completamente gratis! #openlab #openscience #southamericanlightsheet CZI Science Center for Integrative Biology U. Mayor Vicerrectoría de Investigación U. Mayor