'The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters!' Goya 'Nature is visible spirit; spirit is invisible nature' Schelling
#AntiGlobalist #Libertarian
ID: 1587276500507688960
01-11-2022 02:54:04
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Scott Wiper capnheather Yashar Ali 🐘 Bruce Springsteen would write songs and sing about the working man. I was a fan. His concerts in the 70s and 80s were incredible🤘then turned nostalgic in the 90s. Then he lost it. The Boss now has a net worth of $1.1B That’s BILLION$🫠 He is one of an establishment elites now.
.Patrick Christys asks if 'Keir Starmer signed a death sentence for Peter Lynch'... 'He let violent thugs out of prison, so people like Mr Lynch could be squeezed into a cell. He created what many think are political prisoners. And now one of them, Mr Lynch, is dead.'
Imagine calling Dinesh D'Souza a fascist 🤣