Dr Ann Buckley
Musicologist, Medievalist, Cultural Historian. Enjoys both academic and public engagement. All views my own.
ID: 88700857
09-11-2009 16:31:02
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#IrishResistance Thank you very much Paul Whitington for capturing the essence of The Irish in the Resistance so well in this review in Irish Independent 'This book is full of stirring exploits by unsung Irish heroes...WW2 was not a conflict from which Ireland emerged with much

So looking forward to hearing tonight’s RTE History Show when the below pictured book will be discussed! It’s an absolute cracking read, highly recommend. #History

Today, the Tánaiste, in partnership with Trinity College Dublin & BBAW, announced support for the restoration a biography of St Patrick by renowned German Celticist Heinrich Zimmer. Damaged by fire in 1903, the manuscript will once more be available for research. gov.ie/en/press-relea…

what is the oldest #chant fragment on Fragmentarium ? this page was probably written in 8th c. Ireland, but has 11th c. German-style neumes. to top off its multinational story, it has been in France since at least the 19th c. #fragmentfriday fragmentarium.ms/view/page/F-km…

Feeling v aggrieved. Write letter to The Irish Times supporting campaign for Maud Gonne statue, responding to letter by Prof Ferriter. I’ve written well regarded biography of Gonne & suggested location, based on her campaigning work. IT publishes 2 letters from men, both objecting.