Anna Nam
Physician-scientist & molecular hematopathologist at Weill Cornell Medicine
ID: 1052357769951698944 17-10-2018 00:36:59
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Fantastic to have our paper "Deciphering cell states and genealogies of human hematopoiesis" published today in nature as an Accelerated Article Preview! We describe ReDeeM! Awesome work led by Chen Weng in a wonderful collaboration with Jonathan Weissman's Lab!…
Ecstatic to announce our lab’s new paper in Science Magazine in collaboration with Abdel-Wahab Lab and Nurix Therapeutics led by Skye Montoya, Jessie Bourcier (Jessie Bourcier), Mark Noviski and Hao Lu. Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center #science #biology #cancer…
Excited to announce our collaborative paper with Taylor Lab UM and Nurix Therapeutics out today in Science Magazine:…
Excited to announce our paper out today in Molecular Cell discovering a novel splicing factor GPATCH8 and its requirement for pathologic splicing activity of mutant SF3B1. With Robert K. Bradley & Sergei Doulatov. Led by Salima Benbarche, Jose Mario Pineda, & Laura Baquero Galvis:…
Targetable leukaemia dependency on noncanonical PI3Kγ signalling | Thrilled to share this work nature from the inimitable Qingyu Luo, with many in our lab Dana-Farber and great collaborators too. Shareable link:, journal:…
Happy to share the final version of our #GAGEseq published today Nature Genetics! The single-cell co-assay for #scHiC and #scRNA reveals 3D genome & gene expression interplay in mouse cortex (also integration w/ #MERFISH) and during human hematopoiesis. 1/3…
Our latest paper out Nature Genetics today. Even more mutated genes driving clonal expansions in blood as we age. Additional genes found in UKBIOBANK UKBIOBANK confirmed in >10,000 while genomes of blood cell colonies. Calico Wellcome Sanger Institute Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Mike Spencer Chapman
So excited and proud to see our work on VEXAS syndrome with Rebecca Murray is out in bioRxiv . Many thanks to Dan Landau , David Beck, Eirini Papapetrou, MD, PhD , Neal S.Young, pierre sujobert , Kosmider olivier , for this lovely collaboration and for making this work possible!
Fantastic tips on starting a #NewLab during today’s WashU Division of Physician-Scientists #CAPSiT seminar feat. Anna Nam Melissa Mavers Sudarshan Rajagopal
Very happy and proud to see this study on PU.1 transcription factor "redistribution" and its mechanistic implications out in Nature Genetics today. Huge congrats to lead author Samuel John Taylor! (recruiters watch out: Sam is on the faculty job market now...!). A big thank you also
Today is the day 🤩. Thrilled to share our nature paper on Th2 function, CAR-T, & 8-year remission!! Huge team effort w/Stephan Grupp MD PhD Carl June MelenhorstLab Li Tang, kudos to my postdoc Zhiliang…