Anna Lrig
I am Anna and I like to party with interesting men and women.
Here is a lesson for the Igbos: worldnews.helpingpoorpeople.com/a-lesson-for-t…
ID: 75501952
19-09-2009 07:54:13
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5 Following

Okwu Chukwu chibuzor ikpo Mandy Anna Lrig Fred The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown John iky Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EPILEPTIC OKWU, THE OWNER OF THIS DISCUSSION GROUP HAS EXPLICITLY AND CATEGORICALLY STATED THAT THIS IS AN ENGLISH DISCUSSION FORUM. It is understandably clear that it doesn't make sense to write nonsensical dialects in the forum.

chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Do you people notice that the primitive ikpo has started saying ha ha ha whenever he has nothing meaningful to say with his wrong English? 🤣😂🤣 x.com/anna_lrig/stat…

The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker 1. Okwu was arrested pbs.twimg.com/media/GUeUIu3X… for stealing a goat. 2. Primitive ikpo will soon go to jail in Ghana where he is hiding. x.com/anna_lrig/stat… 3. We warned Simon Ekpa x.com/FreakyWikileak… He narrowly escaped arrest in Finland and fled to Venezuela. 🤣😂🤣

The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker Simon Ekpa — "President Bola Ahmed Tinubu defeated former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, Peter Obi, and a dozen of candidates to win the keenly contested election." Simon Ekpa finally accepted President Tinubu as his president. Folks, We Move! 🤣😂🤣

Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker We will make Venezuela to trend so that the Venezuelans will realize that a notorious criminal called Simon Ekpa has entered their country, and quickly eject him. #Venezuela x.com/anna_lrig/stat… #Venezuelans MUST #StopSimonEkpaNow and eject him from #Venezuela asap.

Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker Dear Venezuelans, THE NOTORIOUS CRIMINAL Simon Ekpa FROM NIGERIA NOW LIVES IN VENEZUELA. x.com/FreakyWikileak… #Venezuelans MUST #EjectSimonEkpaNow #Venezuela Vente Venezuela ventevenezuela VenteVenezuela POR FAVOR EXPULSE AL CRIMINAL AHORA

The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig Anambra guy No Gree For Anybody Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria "I've been here for many years. You joined a few weeks ago after epileptic Okwu tagged you, and you tried to curse Anna, but mistakenly prayed for her. x.com/anna_lrig/stat… Grow Up!" They said he talks PRA PRA PRA without thinking or using his senses.

Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig chibuzor ikpo Anambra guy No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Segun 👑💙🇳🇬 A pathological liar will always tell lies. Segun was NEVER in this forum. Show us where your so-called Segun posted anything in this forum. x.com/Dr_Aramunde/st…

Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig chibuzor ikpo Anambra guy No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Epileptic Okwu, Even when you are responding to another person's post that has nothing to do with the primitive ikpo, you shout hysterically Buzor! Buzor! as if Anna has destroyed your jugular.

Nigerian Newsmedia Fred Anna Lrig HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Mandy National Sports Festival 2020 Windy City aFREAKan Ayowatv SEYI (COOL-CAT). RamseyEndi Global 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 The unpatriotic Israel Adesanya Israel Adesanya, who chose to represent China over Nigeria in his kickboxing career, has lost to South African Dricus Du Plessis @DricusDuPlessis by submission. #MummyZeeSpace #NigerianNewsmedia #YawaOfTheDay

Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker President Tinubu will soon catch you too @ chibuzorikpo 2 Okay chukwu You this Biafra coward and hypocrite like your OGA Simon Ekpa Nemesis will soon catch up of U wey want use tribal bigotry and prejudice destroy this country God bless federal republic of Nigeria Bless me

Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig chibuzor ikpo No Gree For Anybody The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Mandy Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria "into into other" is WRONG ENGLISH. Don't write the way you stammer when talking because it is tautology and loquacious. I've asked you to proofread before posting, but you cannot do it because you are in haste to insult others. When will you learn? x.com/good_retweet/s…

chibuzor ikpo Anna Lrig Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Mandy Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Primitive ikpo, You resorted to this petite approach because you could not bear the "wotowoto" bombardment from Anna. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 According to the owner of this Discussion Forum, the promotion of racial bigotry is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Nigerian Newsmedia x.com/nig_newsmedia/…

Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo Okwu Chukwu Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker The post used by Premitive Ikpo chibuzor ikpo to promote ethnic hatred in this forum has been taken down by X. Meanwhile, the account of his counterpart in crime, Okwu Chukwu, aka Epileptic Okwu, has been temporarily suspended. #YawaOfTheDay

Adewale Davies Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker X has temporarily suspended his account, and he is begging them to reinstate it. x.com/no_gree_for_de…

Fred chibuzor ikpo Anna Lrig Okwu Chukwu No Gree For Anybody The Woman Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Mandy Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Nigerian Newsmedia SEE IKPO INTRO FIRST pbs.twimg.com/media/GVIE10BW… 🤣 X has deleted the criminal's post due to a violation of X Rules. x.com/no_gree_for_de…

Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Is this the love for animals or the willingness to help others? Say something about this video.

Okwu Chukwu Anna Lrig The Woman chibuzor ikpo No Gree For Anybody Mandy Fred Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Sampeace Brown Anambra guy Who Do Me Must Pay EFCC Nigeria Facts Checker OKWU, YOU WASTE TIME TELLING LIES AND MAKING FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT PEOPLE ON X. WHY DON'T YOU CHANNEL THIS ENERGY TO WORK HARD AND GET YOURSELF OUT OF POVERTY? You claimed to be very wealthy, but you inadvertently said that internet data is very expensive for you to afford.

Freaky Wikileaks Anna Lrig HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa Okwu Chukwu Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew main karacta Jagaban Media. A2dJ2dz™ Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Mandy Thailand policeman says the biggest curse on Africa are the Ibo people from Nigeria who are bringing shame on Africa. Why can't my people stop carrying white powder?

Okwu Chukwu EMEKA, aka Na Who Do You Freaky Wikileaks HelpingPoorPeopleDotCom Simon Ekpa Human Rights Watch United Nations President Biden NaijaFM 102.7 Mummy Zee ✨🇳🇬✨ Samuel Matthew Jagaban Media. Akon 🇬🇧Panda🇳🇬 Mandy SEE INTRO FIRST: pbs.twimg.com/media/GVyxV19X… 🤣 1. Did you foolishly say "Ha ha ha!" again? 2. See below for more info. 🤣😂🤣 3. By the way, why are you scared to tell us about your two months' experience in Kirikiri prison for stealing a goat? x.com/Titte24/status…