On France's National Day, Paris welcomed a special guest: the Olympic flame.
The torch was led in grand style by army rider Colonel Tibor Valette, a gold medallist at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
#OlympicFlame #NationalDayFrance
The true art of balance comes from patience, which requires not only the precipitation of time, but also inner serenity and concentration. Patience is the only way to find harmony in complexity and stability in turbulence.
#StabilityInTurbulence #ArtOfBalance
I just wanted to show you this Xoloitzcuintli dog. It's an ancient breed that's been around for at least 3,000 years.
. #AncientBreed #XoloitzcuintliHeritage
So happy to see this White Lion, a rare beauty in good care and safe haven from hunters. Thank you for your service to this beautiful animal. 🙏♥️
#RareBeauty #ThankYouConservators