Anita Caras
Head of Research Verizon Media. Digital Strategy, Consumer Insight Specialist, Modern Leader, Integrated Marketing, Media Expert
ID: 122125581
http://community.microsoftadvertising.com/Communities/Advertisers/Default.aspx 11-03-2010 17:38:11
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.Rt Hon Grant Shapps The International Energy Agency report says that we can’t afford any new fossil fuel projects if we are to have a hope of keeping global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees. Please tell Boris Johnson to listen to the experts and #StopCambo

Incredible scenes at Brighton & Hove Pride with Yahoo Life UK & Yahoo Advertising UK in the parade with amazing dancers from #HouseOfSuarez - who didn’t stop the entire way! #BrightonPride

I've just signed this petition to save one of Hampstead’s little gems…Feel free to add your name too you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save… via 38 Degrees

.Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) reveals Reach and Yahoo among best media owners to work with buff.ly/3DX2Gr4