Anime Tourist
Covering pilgrimages, cities, and events for anime fans around the world. We also do travel related editorials.
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http://animetourism.com/ 03-10-2017 18:10:54
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I'm writing an article on anime adverts around the world for Anime Tourist! If you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. See next tweet

Anime Tourist If you have any pictures of adverts (billboards, posters etc.) then it'd be great to include them in the article (w/credit). Please DM them!

Was walking to my hotel in Edinburgh and, on the way, I stumbled upon the main attraction! Scotland Loves Anime

We checked out Scotland Loves Anime Edinburgh 2017. Here's our guide to the leading anime film festival in the UK animetourism.com/2017/10/sla-ed…