Sam Frank (@anecdoted) 's Twitter Profile
Sam Frank


~todset-partug / Inter-universal Geometer / Salvage Consultant / BLIMP … “It’s in the air”

ID: 271582103

link calendar_today24-03-2011 20:09:47

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1517 Fund (@1517fund) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Chat, we're sorry we let you down. We've covered nuclear cargo submarines, nuclear cargo ships, nuclear aircraft, nuclear rockets.. But we've neglected the most awesome segment, nuclear blimps. If the blimp could gather water, it could stay afloat for decades / until material

Chat, we're sorry we let you down.

We've covered nuclear cargo submarines, nuclear cargo ships, nuclear aircraft, nuclear rockets.. But we've neglected the most awesome segment, nuclear blimps.

If the blimp could gather water, it could stay afloat for decades / until material
Sam Frank (@anecdoted) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While meditating, I had a momentary vision of a man falling from the sky and dying instantly on hitting the ground. I screamed for a couple seconds, then felt a deep sense of relief. A terror of falling backward has been stuck in my back for as long as I can recall. It seems that

Douglas Robertson (@shirtysleeves) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thomas Murphy Yes, his spelling is certainly expressive. One wonders if he even preferred less etymologically correct spellings, as he adjured his son, "Write not 'sceleton' with a 'k.'"

Sam Frank (@anecdoted) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"The highest achievement would be to reinvent my entire life so that it would correspond to what has 'objectively' happened to me—like Pierre Menard reinventing Don Quixote without copying it. Then, as in that case, the reinvented 'facts' would differ utterly from my mundane,