Anne-Marie Tully
ID: 484018219
05-02-2012 16:59:55
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The Frailty Journey was a great success today with excellent presentations from Deirdre Lang Siobhan Magner Áine O’Reilly Lorna King So much knowledge shared on frailty, CGA, nutrition, sarcopenia, polypharmacy INDI
Well done, super achievement St Mary's N.S.
Well done Sláintecare supported Fast Track Knee Pathway project, involving Orthopaedics in Univ Hosp Waterford + physiotherapy & dietetics staff of SECH The team received a Highly Commended certificate in National Office of Clinical Audit 2022 Quality Improvement Champion Awards
Another beautiful day for our social walking group in Tramore Get Ireland Walking Waterford Sports Partnership . All welcome spread the word. Meet across from Moe's every Fri at 10.30am
Well done Creative Waterford 👏 #CruinniunanOg
Fantastic afternoon with the HSE Ireland South East Dietitians in Elva Theatre RCSI Univ Hosp Waterford HSE/SECH (now part of HSE Dublin and South East). Acute and community sharing information, promoting integrated care
Well done Aideen McGuinness / Bates , excellent presentation on the benefits of early dietetic intervention
Congratulations to Lorna King for her award #IGS2022 for her fantastic platform presentation on Risk of Malnutrition and its Association with Frailty Associated Factors in the Older Person. STEP are so proud @mariaba01464133 @ICPOPIreland Deirdre Lang Patrick Harnett🇺🇦🇵🇸
Delighted along with Lorna King & Clare Corish RD to represent INDI today, speaking at the Sarcopenia study day for both physios & dietitians National HSCP Office, HSE Professional Development @ ISCP OPNIG @ProfOrtuno Anne-Marie Tully
Excellent presentations from some of the OPNIG members at yesterdays ISCP INDI Sarcopenia and Frailty study day highlighting the importance of exercise and nutrition for management and prevention Clare Corish RD Aideen McGuinness / Bates Lorna King
Delighted to speak yesterday at Age Friendly Ireland convention on eating well to support healthy ageing , great day , great audience AgeFriendlyKilkenny STEP