Andrew Molodynski
Community Psychiatrist.
BMA mental health consultant lead.
Royal College rehabilitation and social faculty.
World Association of Social Psychiatry.
ID: 1538116715569106944
18-06-2022 11:10:17
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Really honoured (and pretty scared) to be taking part in this alongside such giants as Simon Wessely Lade Smith CBE James MacCabe Helen Killaspy🌈 and others. Do come along and join in on one of the big questions in modern psychiatry!!!

david nicholson The private sector sucks resources out of the health economy, as profit & through staff training provided at no cost by the NHS. It is inefficient, poorly governed & poorly regulated. It is part of the problem, not part of the solution. The Labour Party Helen Killaspy🌈 Andrew Molodynski

Delighted to have won in the specialist journalism category at the British Journalism Awards, and particularly to do so alongside my great friend and colleague Peter Blackburn And thank you to Neil Hallows for the trust, time and freedom to cover the issues that matter to us.

Last night my brilliant pal Ben Jaxen Ireland and I won a British Journalism Award for investigations into the state of mental health services and the impact of austerity politics on communities. It hasn't quite sunk in. Thank you to everyone who trusts us to tell their stories.

This a great opportunity for early career mental health workers everywhere as part of our new educational programme. Do have a look. Thanks World Association of Social Psychiatry ECP Section Maria Bernadett Carandang

Great to see the details of this event that is free for all World Association of Social Psychiatry ECP Section and fantastic to have such an amazing first speaker as dinesh bhugra !!

Important response from Lade Smith CBE to recent press coverage of Clozapine - highly effective, safe and life-changing for many #MentalHealth rcpsych.ac.uk/news-and-featu…

Really happy to see this book with dinesh bhugra and Sarah Farrell come out with OUP Medicine . Thank you to all the students and colleagues around the world for your help and perseverance- without you it wouldn't have happened. We hope it helps- change is needed in our med schools

"the “cut-off” nature of these institutions can be a breeding ground for the development of harsh and abusive cultures." Andrew Molodynski

Congratulations Dr. Dr. Jeel Vasa! She will be joining Dr. dinesh bhugra in the first Intersect: A Multigenerational Conversation. Register now to join: forms.gle/J4zUNHiERtkwVf… #mentalhealth #psychiatry #socialpsychiatry #psychology

Delighted to have the launch of the book at Royal College of Psychiatrists this afternoon. Thanks to OUP Medicine more so to Andrew Molodynski and Sarah Farrell for all the heavy lifting.We MUST look after the next generation and future workforce more so than ever to improve recruitment and retention #NHS

This is disastrous, hideous news. NHS England are hacking back the mental health support for hospital staff. One doctor takes their life every three weeks. One nurse takes their life every single week. These numbers will now INCREASE. Victoria Atkins - please do the right thing.

📣Calling for speakers📣 ✅ Are you a psychiatric trainee or early career psychiatrist? ✅ Do you have an interest/expertise in AI in psychiatric training and education? Apply below if you would like to contribute as *speaker* to the upcoming webinar organised with World Association of Social Psychiatry ECP Section

What a profound and humbling experience with Doctors In Distress The BMA practitionerhealth planting such a beautiful tree to remember those we have lost on #WorldMentalHealthDay

Fantastic talk by Adrian James Royal College of Psychiatrists today on the thinking for mental health services and the new mental health bill. Really reassuring to hear such a strong focus on patients and on evidence based care