Alwyn Davies
responsibly losing responsibility
ID: 1232345096802250752
25-02-2020 16:43:12
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John Murry on tour from next week. An incredible musician and performer. His music will pierce your soul. ironmanrecords.net/2024/04/john-m…

John Murry - 26th May 2024, 7:00 pm at Retro, Manchester. Support comes from Grace Kelly, a very talented singer songwriter who moved to Manchester a couple of years ago from New Zealand buff.ly/4dGUFaN #Manchester #Music #americana #acoustic #JohnMurry John Murry

John Murry on tour now in Europe. 'The Stars Are God's Bullet Holes' 9/10 review UNCUT 9/10 review HotPress #johnmurryontour #johnmurry #emotional #thestarsaregodsbulletholes #thegracelessage #UNCUTmagazine #TheGuardian #manchesterevents Manchester Folk

Understand: As John Murry Tour Dates begin and the next stage in John’s Music career begins…the British Prime Minister has decided to end it all with a General Election. Come & See a glimpse of a better future… buff.ly/4bRwtRz John Murry #johnmurry

John Murry - 26th May 2024, 7:00 pm at Retro, #Manchester. The longer you spend in the darkness with him, the more beauty you’ll see. Support comes from Grace Kelly buff.ly/4dGUFaN #Manchester #Music #americana #acoustic #JohnMurry John Murry

The extraordinary singer songwriter John Murry is playing in Manchester tomorrow night #manchester #johnmurry #manchesterevents Manchester Folk Visit Manchester CityLife Manchester BBC Manchester I Love Manchester BBC Manchester

The first gig I've seen at Manchester's (fairly) new Factory International and who better to see than legendary Richard Thompson great set, great sound

.John Murry & Cowboy Junkies’ Michael Timmins announce new album uncut.co.uk/news/john-murr…

Using witty distraction, John Murry deftly carries songs of great weight through an impressive show The Cluny, Newcastle

I've put this up on YouTube if anyone wants to have a look - Chuck Prophet & the Sexton Brothers - She's About A Mover youtu.be/qdgN22kdsBY from Chuck Prophet Summertime Thing festival at Rio Nido 29th June 2024

I took this shot last week while sitting with a beer outside my favourite Chorlton bar. It struck me as a bit of an Edward Hopper scene so I grabbed my phone camera. I think Fell Brewery might like this.

Cumbia saves Chuck Prophet: Every day’s a gift for the legendary Bay Area musician, with the help of Salinas-based band ¿Qiensave? East Bay Express Chuck Prophet eastbayexpress.com/cumbia-saves-c… via East Bay Express

Chuck Prophet's new album, 𝘞𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥, is out tomorrow! Check out his interview with Americana Highways to learn more about the record ahead of its release. Read the article here: americanahighways.org/2024/10/22/int…