Prof Alta Schutte
Blood pressure & Global Health. Past President, International Society of Hypertension. 🇿🇦 in 🇦🇺. Christian ✝️ , coffee ❤️, mom. Views my own.
ID: 706948744730820608
https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/professor-alta-schutte 07-03-2016 21:04:50
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Excited to get our Shop-to-Shop Hypertension trial running. The George Institute for Global Health UNSW Medicine & Health SiSU Health Group

1/4 The Shop2Stop Hypertension trial has launched, giving NSW residents a convenient way to check vital health measures. Led by UNSW & The George Institute for Global Health Prof. Prof Alta Schutte, the trial has set up SiSU Health Group stations in 30 Bunnings stores to screen for high blood pressure.

Brava Prof Alta Schutte😍 Bunnings: A health check is just the beginning thenewdaily.com.au/life/health/20…

The countdown to our #ESC 2024 Satellite Symposium on uncontrolled hypertension has begun. 🔬 Learn from leading experts: ow.ly/KgRF50T7iAx 💡Get ready to meet Prof Thomas Weber, Prof John Flack, Prof Alta Schutte and Prof Bryan Williams on Friday 30 August 2024. This

NEW TODAY: European Society of Cardiology Guidelines Out on Elevated Blood Pressure and Hypertension.. Some interesting new concepts - keep an eye out.. #HypertensionTaskforce Hypertension Australia International Society of Hypertension escardio.org/Guidelines/Cli…

Finally out! So honored to have contributed! #ESCHypertension Prof Alta Schutte Dr Anastasia Mihailidou FAHA FCSANZ FESC Cian McCarthy John William McEvoy The Touyz Lab European Society of Cardiology

Out today..as presented at the #ESCCongress2024... A new lose dose triple SPC for #hypertension - great efficacy. The George Institute for Global Health jacc.org/doi/full/10.10…

Implementation of a new lose triple SPC for #hypertension in Nigeria. 80% hypertension control rates are possible! Delighted to have been part of the team. The George Institute for Global Health jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…

Very much enjoyed working on this paper with Janis Nolde, Prof Markus Schlaich and the MayMeasureOrg team, on #eva early vascular aging across the world. #MMM ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/HY…

Very glad to be part of the International Society of Hypertension position paper; it looks at the evidence around the accuracy, validation and clinical utility of new kinds of blood pressure monitors and other innovations in hypertension.@Alta_schutte Read more: journals.lww.com/jhypertension/…

I was looking for info on how good the #Aktiia wristband and the #CartT ring are for measuring blood pressure. I found this very enjoyable paper where Prof Alta Schutte tested both during the 2023 #rugby world cup final! Cool science! nature.com/articles/s4137…

Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control rates of #hypertension in Australia - meta-analysis. We can do so much better, Australia! #HypertensionTaskforce International Society of Hypertension Hypertension Australia ACvA journals.lww.com/jhypertension/…

🆕Latest episode of #TheScan podcast out now! Hear from our colleagues, Prof. Bruce Neal and Prof. Prof Alta Schutte as they discuss the evidence around salt, potassium-enriched salt and hypertension, and why it’s now time to #SwitchTheSalt. 🔊buff.ly/3TgxJ9W