Alkystis Phinikaridou (@alkystis) 's Twitter Profile
Alkystis Phinikaridou


Senior Lecturer in Imaging Biology working on developing new imaging probes and methods to detect fibrosis & inflammation in cardiovascular diseases.

ID: 987110856839389184

calendar_today19-04-2018 23:29:02

466 Tweet


740 Following

The Economist (@theeconomist) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The current system for funding scientific research has flaws. Skill at raising money is not necessarily correlated with the usefulness of one’s research, and grants are becoming harder to win. Could there be another way? 👇

MIPS (@stanfordmips) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us December 7 for our monthly MIPS Seminar! Bernd Pichler will discuss, "Imaging of Senescence." Register today! #MIPSEvents

Join us December 7 for our monthly MIPS Seminar! <a href="/BerndJPichler/">Bernd Pichler</a> will discuss, "Imaging of Senescence." Register today! #MIPSEvents
ESMRMB (@esmrmb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let’s introduce the first session 1️⃣ of MRI Together 2023 🌎 🗓️ DAY 1 🗓️ 6 December, 8H-10H UTC Embracing diversity on MRI: A journey towards inclusive science 🤝 Registration ⬇️…

Let’s introduce the first session 1️⃣ of MRI Together 2023 🌎

🗓️ DAY 1 🗓️

6 December, 8H-10H UTC
Embracing diversity on MRI: A journey towards inclusive science 🤝

Registration ⬇️…
World Thrombosis Day (@thrombosisday) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you know the signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? Knowing the most common #bloodclot signs and symptoms can help you spot or even prevent this potentially life-threatening condition.⁠ ⁠ #WTDay23 #WorldThrombosisDay #MoveAgainstThrombosis ⁠

Do you know the signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? Knowing the most common #bloodclot signs and symptoms can help you spot or even prevent this potentially life-threatening condition.⁠
#WTDay23 #WorldThrombosisDay #MoveAgainstThrombosis ⁠
ESMRMB (@esmrmb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗓️ DAY 3 🗓️ 8 December, 13H-15H UTC “From lab to life: in vitro and pre-clinical MRI with transparency” 🐭 Registration ⬇️… #MRITogether23 Henning M Reimann Joanes Grandjean wants you to share your data Cristiana Tisca

🗓️ DAY 3 🗓️
8 December, 13H-15H UTC

“From lab to life: in vitro and pre-clinical MRI with transparency” 🐭

Registration ⬇️…


<a href="/hlesaint/">Henning M Reimann</a> <a href="/grandjeanlab/">Joanes Grandjean wants you to share your data</a> <a href="/cetisca/">Cristiana Tisca</a>
European Atherosclerosis Society (@society_eas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr Peter Libby is loved by many people. In this lecture, he reviews the interplay between atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation. It's open to all! Just sit back, relax, and watch it: Prof Kausik Ray FMedSci

Dr Peter Libby is loved by many people. In this lecture, he reviews the interplay between atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, and inflammation. It's open to all! Just sit back, relax, and watch it: <a href="/ProfKausikRay/">Prof Kausik Ray FMedSci</a>
Ruud van Heeswijk (@ruudmri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to see the future of #inflammation imaging? Join the JCMR journal club next Wednesday at 11AM EST (…) when we discuss 19F MRI in a porcine model of vascular inflammation with Drs. Nienhaus and Florian Bönner (…). See you there!

Want to see the future of #inflammation imaging? Join  the JCMR journal club next Wednesday at 11AM EST (…) when we discuss 19F MRI in a porcine model of vascular inflammation with Drs. Nienhaus and <a href="/florian_bonner/">Florian Bönner</a> (…). See you there!
JTH (@jthjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Catheter-related upper extremity #DVT is common in #cancer #SRMA ▶️low recurrent #VTE &moderate #major bleeding, management heterogeneity >3months &upon catheter removal. More studies needed! Tzu-Fei Wang Marc Carrier Aurélien Delluc The Ottawa Hospital…

Catheter-related upper extremity #DVT is common in #cancer  
#SRMA ▶️low recurrent #VTE &amp;moderate #major bleeding, 
management heterogeneity &gt;3months &amp;upon catheter removal. More studies needed! 
 <a href="/TzufeiWang/">Tzu-Fei Wang</a> <a href="/MarcCarrier1/">Marc Carrier</a> <a href="/DellucAurelien/">Aurélien Delluc</a> <a href="/OttawaHospital/">The Ottawa Hospital</a>…
World Thrombosis Day (@thrombosisday) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrombosis is the often preventable underlying pathology of heart attack, thromboembolic stroke and venous thromboembolism (VTE) – the top three cardiovascular killers. Learn the signs and symptoms of thrombosis: #WTDay23 #MoveAgainstThrombosis

Thrombosis is the often preventable underlying pathology of heart attack, thromboembolic stroke and venous thromboembolism (VTE) – the top three cardiovascular killers. Learn the signs and symptoms of thrombosis: 

#WTDay23 #MoveAgainstThrombosis
British Society for Cardiovascular Research (@bscresearch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Abstract submission for the joint BAS / BSCR meeting at the BCS annual conference 2024 is now open! For details and submissions instructions, head here:…

Abstract submission for the joint BAS / BSCR meeting at the BCS annual conference 2024 is now open!

For details and submissions instructions, head here:…
The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging (@jca_journal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr. Nikolaos G. Frangogiannis commented on an article by Wang et al., which provides the first in vivo evidence demonstrating a role for scar fibroblasts in cardiac excitability and induction of #arrhythmias in #myocardial infarction.…

Dr. Nikolaos G. Frangogiannis commented on an article by Wang et al., which provides the first in vivo evidence demonstrating a role for scar fibroblasts in cardiac excitability and induction of #arrhythmias in #myocardial infarction.…
CardioTomLuscher (@tomluscher) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HFpEF is still a mystery, but Joseph Hill from Southwestern in Dallas shed light into its mechanisms. Get the insights into it by the pioneer in the field at the Grand Rounds of the Center for Molecular Cardiology this Thursday 5pm CET at…

HFpEF is still a mystery, but Joseph Hill from Southwestern in Dallas shed light into its mechanisms. Get the insights into it by the pioneer in the field at the Grand Rounds of the Center for Molecular Cardiology this Thursday 5pm CET at…
BSCMR (@bscmr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The @bscmr website is a fantastic resource for all those working in the #whyCMR arena. One example is the Cardiac MRI calculator which can be found through our education resources webpage… ❤️🧲🧮

The @bscmr website is a fantastic resource for all those  working in the #whyCMR arena. One example is the Cardiac MRI calculator which can be found through our education resources webpage… ❤️🧲🧮
British Society for Cardiovascular Research (@bscresearch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 2024 BSCR autumn meeting is fast approaching! Abstract submission extended to 7th August. Registration closes 19th August. To submit, register and discover more head here:…

The 2024 BSCR autumn meeting is fast approaching!

Abstract submission extended to 7th August.

Registration closes 19th August.

To submit, register and discover more head here:…
Royal Brompton CMR Physics Group (@rbhcmrphysics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're hiring!! If you're interested in advancing cardiac MRI do get in touch for more information about this great opportunity!! DM or email [email protected] More info at…