Alex Ney
A realistic dreamer! Gatwick express frequent flyer...Clinical research fellow, University College London, UCLH/Royal Free hospital London
ID: 1105225411406057473
11-03-2019 21:54:07
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92 Takip Edilen

Are you a senior surgical trainee or new consultant? Join the fantastic NIHR Tomorrow's Leaders course for training on how to lead NIHR portfolio studies. Register here: bit.ly/tomorrows-lead… @NRCM2020 @CRUKCamEarlyDx CRUK Cambridge Centre

EPC-Europ Pancr Club YOUPPIE Pancreas members 📢 Last days to VOTE! Please support our team member Pilar Acedo for Ordinary Councillor - BASIC Science 🙌🏼 my_UEG AESPANC europeanpancreaticclub.org/members-space/…

Hot off the press! Many thanks to the team! And a special thanks to Gabriele Canciani

Nicki, your memory lives on through our work and commitment to improve outcomes for all patients and their families Nicki's Smile Pancreatic Cancer UK

Today is #WorldPancreaticCancerDay! Our group is committed to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer #ItsAboutTime. Let's get the word out! 💜 #WPCD W P C C Pancreatic Cancer EU Pancreatic Cancer UK

And we’re off!! UK-EDI for Pancreatic Cancer recruited its first participants today! Well done to everyone involved! #PancreaticCancer #EarlyDetection Science and Innovation at Cancer Research UK

Today is #WorldCCADay and @PereiraGroup joins efforts to shine a light on #cholangiocarcinoma 🙌🏼 Together we will fight for an early diagnosis and better treatment options! Global Cholangiocarcinoma Alliance @CcaEn Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET ccauk AMMF WorldCCADay

The Royal Free Sheila Sherlock Virtual Hepatology Postgraduate Course has started! 🤩👏 Royal Free London UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences Endorsed by EASLnews BASL education feed BSG

Fancy for one night 🌟 for a good cause, supporting #PancreaticCancer fundraising thanks to the Fiorina Fund Royal Free Charity Royal Free London