Alex Yates (he/him)
@_SWDTP +3 PGR @PoLIS_Bath researching anti-populism | moral panic breeds goose-stepping, can't just stand by rubbernecking
ID: 1018962391533522944
https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/alex-yates 16-07-2018 20:55:40
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Join us for our webinar with C-REX (@crexuio.bsky.social) and CASEI Lancaster on 21st November at 2PM (GMT). Rae Jereza, Elsa Bengtsson Meuller, and Imo Kaufman will be discussing the importance of positionality, standpoint, and intersectionality in far-right studies. reacpol.net/webinar-3/

My new piece for The Conversation on why donations to Labour MPs - however trivial they seem - do matter. An MP from working class origins is not necessairly a workers' MP. How can you be one if you live in a parallel material reality? theconversation.com/class-identity…

This from James Meadway rightly dampens the hype around the supposed radicality of the Reeves budget. Her approach fails to reckon with the huge problems around climate and demographic aging in times of polycrisis

Solidarity with Camila. A brilliant academic and speaker, and her cancellation is a huge loss to staff and students at TU Darmstadt

In the coming days, world leaders will flock to Baku, whitewashing the Aliyev regime. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan holds political prisoners like peace activist and Charles University student Bahruz Samadov (the Lack Observer). #COP29 should not normalise tyranny—it must be an opportunity to denounce it!

✨📕 | NEW ISSUE Alex Yates reviews Yannis Stavrakakis &Giorgos Katsambekis's 2024 Elgar Publishing book 'Research Handbook on Populism' 👉 Review: doi.org/10.1075/jlp.24… 👉 Book: bit.ly/3KgJZlU Alex Yates (he/him) Giorgos Katsambekis