Alex Janke
Clinical Assistant Professor @UMichiganEM by way of @ncspMICHIGAN, @Yale_EM, @waynemedicine, @umichECON
ID: 1370755653548056581
13-03-2021 15:16:38
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NEW from Bridge Michigan: A great profile of our Nat’l Clinician Scholars Program at U-M IHPI alum Katie Wagner, MD MSc, who studies gender disparities in #cardiacsurgery and is part of U-M Health Frankel CVC: bridgemi.com/michigan-healt…

Characterizing Acute Pulmonary Embolism Cases Diagnosed at an Emergency Department Revisit Using a Statewide Clinical Registry annemergmed.com/article/S0196-… Alex Janke

The reality is that we've got a lot of medically complex, sick folks who need inpatient care, and we lack the literal space, staff, and stuff they need. We need a hospital care abundance agenda (Derek Thompson). We need to address barriers to capacity building, like CON.

In our study in Circulation, we found that Black stroke patients had longer times to ED arrival and lower odds of EMS pre-notification. Regina Royan, MD MPH et al (Brian Stamm, MD, T. Lin, J. Baird, C. Becker, Rebecca Karb, T. Burton, Dawn Kleindorfer, MD, S. Prabhakaran, Tracy Madsen MD PhD) ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…

New collaboration with Adrian Haimovich, MD PhD et al in AEM Journal assessing older adult ED discharge instruction comprehension. 💡Medication and return precaution instructions were less likely understood than diagnosis, self-care, or follow-up instructions. doi.org/10.1111/acem.1…