Alexis Bloomer
Journalist | @BRMediaLLC CEO | Author: Kindness is Key & Good Girl, Bad World | Creator of @readgoodgirl | Psalms 46:5 Work Hard & Be Kind
ID: 488873593 10-02-2012 23:05:13
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Watch this interview with Bob Tallman, to see why he is making this face. Great interview Alexis Bloomer Wrangler Western Bob Tallman…
Words can’t describe how much this moment means to me. My teammate is going to be with me for life and I couldn’t be more happy. Alexis Bloomer I love you with all of my heart. ❤️
Just when we thought this year couldn't get any better for the six-time World Champ . . . 💍👍 Congratulations Sage Steele Kimzey and Alexis Bloomer!