Alex Beutel
Our work on learned storage systems and query optimizers is featured on MIT News. Super proud on my team and collaborators, especially Jialin Ding and Ryan Marcus who lead the work…
Honored to win the Test of Time Award ( in CIKM2020, w/ my Ph.D. advisor NaN and my buddy Kyumin Lee. An amazing time working with these two gents, and never saw it coming from the first ever paper (…) in grad school.
Announcing the release of MinDiff, a new regularization technique available in the TensorFlow Model Remediation library for effectively and efficiently mitigating unfair biases when training #MachineLearning models. Learn more below:
As we develop #ResponsibleAI techniques, we test them out in our products, and then work to share our learnings Excited to launch the TF Model Remediation Library, based on some amazing research with Alex Beutel Jilin Chen Ed H. Chi and more…
Could not agree more! Tina Eliassi has been a key mentor throughout my career! Evimaria's early advice on proposal writing has been instrumental. Also Leman Akoglu with whom I co-authored one of my favorite papers while at CMU, and *of course* Tanya Berger-Wolf (not on twitter)