Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺
🆆🅾🆁🅻🅳 Affiliated Media.
Changing the world one follower at a time.
Freedom of speech for all. I Support the Donbas. if you don't like it f* off.
ID: 1520737910554824706
https://discord.gg/WrE9jqESeq 01-05-2022 12:12:37
17,17K Tweet
654 Following

Ukraine Battle Map Maybe it's time you surrender? No one dіеs, Ukraine goes back to Russia like it was for a 1000yrs.

Gabrielius Landsbergis🇱🇹 Why not cry about it. We warned you for a decade, this still isn't war. War with the Russian Federation and Ukraine won't last a week. You baltics will be next, we've had enough with your whining.