Alejandro Rios
Interested in evolution and ecology. Also films and tennis. PhD. From Argentina living in Sydney. He/him.
ID: 1230081576291069954
19-02-2020 10:48:05
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311 Following
To illustrate the point, Omar E. Cornejo and I built a model (SEIR w/ high- & low-risk groups). Because low-risk people are more common, their behavioral change can have *greater* impact on lowering peak number of infections. Ideally, everyone limits interactions, but... [2/8]
Me: I love pastry Person on Twitter: I see that you like pastry and that’s fine but also I wondered if you ever knew that pastry was responsible for a murder in 1977 when someone set a sausage roll on fire which caused a fatality so you’re basically condoning murder here’s a link
It’s no secret that population genetics has roots in eugenics and scientific racism. But as a scientific community, we are skilled at avoiding the topic. Without confronting our history, we may continue to use eugenic frames of reasoning without realizing.…
Happy to see the version of record out in Molecular Ecology: Linked-read sequencing enables haplotype-resolved resequencing at population scale.… /w #wheatear_lab Reto Burri Holger Schielzeth Phil Ewels Manuel Schweizer Alexander Suh 서상재 and others. 1/n
New paper is out! We studied how ECM fungi and elevated CO2 change root exudate and soil metabolites. 5 Reasons Why You Should Read This: - you love 🌳or 🍄 - soil fascinate you - you are concerned about climate change - mass spec rocks - colorful graphs…
Decorated #crickets evolve stronger #immunity on protein-biased than carbohydrate-biased diets and on lower-nutrition than higher-nutrition diets Corinne Letendre, Alejandro Rios, Scott Sakaluk, John Hunt explain why using #experimentalevolution…