Aled Parry
Senior Scientist at Altos Labs Cambridge Institute. Epigenetics and ageing. Fan of coffee and cats. He/him. Views are my own 🧬
ID: 15171555
19-06-2008 17:59:35
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1,1K Following

babrahaminstitute.livevacancies.co.uk/#/job/details/… A great opportunity to join Babraham Institute as a Roving Post-Doc Researcher using your skills to support several research projects See background on this scheme babraham.ac.uk/blog/roving-re…

Paper alert! 🥳In our new study led by @solennpatalano and Rulands Group we look at how social wasps Polistes maintain colony structure (queen and workers) but can reorganise when the queen is removed. doi.org/10.1016/j.cels…

Excited to share Carine Stapel and my #singlecell #singleorganoid time course of #gastruloid development. We reveal substantial inter-organoid heterogeneity, and show why understanding it is critical in #organoid #perturbation experiments. A #tweetorial (1/18)

I totally agree that Narita Lab CRUK - www.naritalab.com is a great place to do a PhD! 👇

New preprint! 🥳 biorxiv.org/content/10.110… Led by @AledJohnParry & @ChristelKrueger we asked why #DNAmethylation and oxidation often target overlapping genomic regions at the exit of #pluripotency. Great collaboration with Tim Lohoff, Steven Wingett & Stefan Schoenfelder 🇺🇦. 🧵👇

📢Job alert! We are looking for a #postdoc to join our team Babraham Institute to lead a project investigating the epigenetic regulation of early human embryo development. For more info and to apply: ttps://babrahaminstitute.livevacancies.co.uk/#/job/details/381 Please RT - thanks!

What began as a few concept being kicked around in stimulating & memorable discussions, progressed into a comprehensive piece on paternal epigenetic inheritance. I am very excited to share Professor Sarah Kimmins and I’s Perspective out today in Nature Communications! doi.org/10.1038/s41467…

Happy to share our News and Views article on a new enzymatic 5mC sequencing method by Kohli Lab and colleagues out in Nature Chemical Biology. Reik Lab; Altos | Full-Service Digital Agency nature.com/articles/s4158… and the original article: nature.com/articles/s4158…

Need a podcast for your commute or for cell culture? 🎧Check out Wolf, ME Torres-Padilla and Boyan Bonev discussing epigenetic regulation in development, ageing and rejuvenation as part of the PioneerCampus @HelmholtzMunich Podcast! 👇