Aldina Franco
Investigates biogeography, animal movement and effects of global environmental change. Associate Professor in Ecology at University of East Anglia, UK
ID: 2523916077
02-05-2014 19:42:06
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Last chance to nominate inspiring people or groups for the Marsh Charitable Trust! 😃Do you know an outstanding young birder, a dedicated individual or local bird club? 🐦 Discover the categories and how to nominate ➡️bit.ly/BTO_awards Nominations close on Friday! 📷Winners of the

We're hiring: Programme Officer - IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence SG IUCN Species Survival Commission Details in link, deadline 18 June 2024. hwctf.org/post/we-re-hir…

Job opportunity! 2 postdoc positions to model bird migrations in the context of avian influenza. Become a part of @KAPPA-FLU. Position will be placed at WSL Umweltforschung with Silke Bauer and collaborators. apply.refline.ch/273855/1639/pu…

NEW JOB in #ornithology with BirdLife Science to help with the #conservation of #migratory #birds around the world: buff.ly/3X9VJ16

Are you a student interested in big data and the environment? We have a new MSc in Data Science for Environmental Science! Come and join us at UEA UEA School of Environmental Sciences uea.ac.uk/course/postgra…

📢3.5yr postdoc research fellow position in evolutionary ecology - apply now! Quantifying spatio-seasonal variation in #selection on seasonal #migration. Deadline July 15. School of Biological Sciences UKCEHseabirds Natural Environment Research Council #ecoevo abdnjobs.co.uk/vacancy/resear…

!!!JOB ALERT!!! Assistant/Associate Prof in One Health UCL. We are looking for a fabulous new colleague UCL Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research for our People & Nature Lab UCL East campus - deadline 10th July nature.com/naturecareers/…

It was a great day Mannington Hall and Estate with BC Norfolk, the moth traps provided a diversity of species that enthused people of all ages.

Had a great day yesterday deploying Movetech Telemetry devices on the White Stork Project fledglings from the ground nesting non-flying storks. Done with help from UEA CEEC undergraduate student holding the stork, thanks Josh! Some younger chicks were ringed with colour rings.