Alberto J Espay
#Neurology professor @uofcincy. Advocate of precision medicine in #Parkinsons & #Alzheimers. Cofounder of Regain to correct proteinopenia. Author #BrainFables.
ID: 1180872634449481728
http://CCBPStudy.com 06-10-2019 15:49:25
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Simon Mead Paul Jerome Lamont Ash Paul Lon S. Schneider, MD Jeff Browndyke Dan Clinton LogarithmicDis Nicolas Villain Seb Walsh Eric Widera, MD Jason Cohen LTCShop.com Robert Howard Madhav Thambisetty Kasper Planeta Kepp Trey Bateman Daniel Erskine shibley Alberto J Espay Timothy Daly, PhD Michael Schöll Vincent Planche Stefano L. Sensi Gill Livingston Ryan Townley Jesse F Ballenger (mastodon.world/@jfballenger) Jason Karlawish James Rupert Fletcher Adam M. Brickman Dr. Jennifer Manly Sarah Ackley, PhD Howard Gleckman Kathy Liu Richard Merrick Nancy Lundebjerg (she/her/hers) Nathaniel Chin Emmy Betz, MD, MPH 🇺🇲🩺🔬🤝❤️ Joanne Ryan Maggie Aime, BSN, RN | Freelance Writer Oskar Hansson David Jones Paul Thompson Ayisha Sharma Adam Dyer NHS England Welsh Government Health and Social Care NICE Andrew Joseph Ben Spencer Bad science is making clinical stories that are not rooted in a real biophysical mechanism. Bad science is inventing new entities & terminology because you didn't know the phenomenon already have a simpler physical explanation. Bad science leads to no translational benefits.

Un cierre magistral de parte del Prof Don Gilbert (Donald Gilbert) para el congreso #SOMMA en la ciudad de México. Muchas perlas de conocimiento en español. Fuiste brillante, Don! 🙏🏻

To my Parkinson’s patients, with love: here is the video and transcript of my conversation with Davis Phinney FND’ Polly Dawkins about lumping vs splitting, rescue vs precision, and the promise and pitfalls of the new test for #Parkinsons (aSyn-SAA). davisphinneyfoundation.org/webinar-record…

Gavin Mogan (Gavin Mogan) is living proof of the power within people with Parkinson's. I loved this short video, in which my words on the subject served as a soundtrack to his 'impossible' feats. I love Gavin's fighting spirit. We all should nurture our inner Gavin!

Michael Okun nature Nature Reviews Disease Primers Braak's hypothesis, not his neuroanatomical study, has set our field back 20 years while Borghammer's radiological fantasy is so implausible it is easier to believe that the soul resides in the pineal gland

Pathology as a sign of a normally reactive brain: In a mouse model, neurons with tau tangles showed 3-fold greater survival than those without tangles. Kudos to the Harvard University team for examining the central dogma of tau neurotoxicity in #Alzheimers. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Borghammer's brain-body dualism is as spurious as the brain-mind one. A population-based study found no cognitive or motor pattern separating the two. Can we finally move on, or will this myth prove as hard to kill as Braak's pareidolia? ANA Journals onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/an…