井形彬(Akira Igata)
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任講師. Project Lecturer, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
ID: 152829825
07-06-2010 00:30:38
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1/ 🇳🇱Mr. Michiel Sweers, Vice Minister for Foreign Economic Relations of the #Netherlands, delivers the keynote at #CONVERGE2024, w/ Dutch ambassador to Japan, Dutch Ambassador to Japan.
🎤 LIVE: Ryo Funakoshi, Director for Info Policy Planning at METI, Japan, delivers a keynote at UTokyo_Rcast_en on raising capacity in the #IndoPacific at #CONVERGE2024. 🚀 Stay tuned for insights on regional tech innovation & collaboration! #PacificForum #TechPolicy
1/ 🌍 The final public session of #CONVERGE2024 is live at the UTokyo | 東京大学 UTokyo_Rcast_en 🏛️
🎤 Round 2 of #CONVERGE Interviews Our experts are advancing key discussions on #AI, #cybersecurity, and capacity-building in the #IndoPacific. #PacificForum UTokyo_Rcast_en Mark Man 井形彬(Akira Igata) Ralph Regalado (Senti AI) Ryo Funakoshi (METI, Japan) Department of State
Congratulations to DSET Taiwan on their 1-year anniversary 🍾 and organizing an ambitious program on #SupplyChain #resilience to celebrate. #Europe is prominently featured on the agenda, particularly as #Taiwan deliberates a broader #chip ecosystem around the TSMC Dresden plant.
Second session at DSET Office Inauguration symposium with Mathieu Duchâtel and 井形彬(Akira Igata)
Oct.10: Economic Security Research Program 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター and Pacific Forum co-hosted “CONVERGE: Indo-Pacific Critical Tech Forum.”Quad and ASEAN countries “converged” to discuss semiconductor and AI policy coordination. Danielle Cave from ASPI gave a fantastic presentation
10.10 ランチの基調講演は訪日中のオランダ外務事務次官Michiel Sweers氏。 駐日オランダ王国大使館・総領事館 からは ヒルス・ベスホー・プルッフ大使にも参加して頂けました。インド太平洋諸国だけで無く、欧州とも現状認識の共有や先端技術の標準化等の政策調整が必要とされています。
Oct.10: Lunch keynote speech was delivered by the Vice Minister for Foreign Economic Relations of the Netherlands, Mr. Michiel Sweers. We’re grateful that Ambassador Gilles Beschoor Plug 駐日オランダ王国大使館・総領事館 also participated. Policy convergence b/w Indo-Pac & Europe is also crucial.
10.11 会議2日目は経産省 商務情報政策局の船越亮 情報政策企画調整官による基調講演でキックオフ。その後はオックスフォード大学の Kristi Govella 准教授がモデレーターのパネルディスカッション。各国の大学・民間企業・シンクタンク・政府と異なる立場から活発な議論が行われました。
Oct.11: Second day of the CONVERGE forum was kicked off by a presentation from Ryo Funakoshi, Director for Information Planning at the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, METI. This was followed by a panel discussion masterfully moderated by Kristi Govella from Oxford Univ.
10.12 台湾の経済安保シンクタンクである DSET Taiwan の設立一周年記念シンポジウムに台北で登壇。日米欧台で産業政策やサプライチェーン強靭化が進められることによるデメリットにどう対応するかを議論。観客にはまさかの12年前(!)に国立政治大学の統計学サマースクールで一緒だった方と再開。
Oct.12: I joined the panel hosted by DSET Taiwan in Taipei. The discussion on how we should deal with the negative aspects of economic security policies was esp. illuminating. I also met a colleague whom I met 12 years ago at the summer statistics course in Taiwan - small world!
ESRP at UTokyo_Rcast_en is proud to team up with Japan Foundation 国際交流基金 to host resident Visiting Fellows interested in conducting policy-oriented research on economic security issues from #ASEAN countries during 2025-26. Deadline: Dec.2, 2024. For details see: jpf.go.jp/e/project/inte…
今朝はプリンストン大学公共政策大学院(Princeton School of Public & International Affairs)の訪日学生グループにレクを行いました。米中間の先端技術競争を背景に、米国は同志国とどう協力すべきか。日米間で経済安保分野における現状認識のズレはどこにあるのか。日本の外交関係多角化は対米ヘッジングなのか。有意義な議論ができました
It was a pleasure welcoming the group of grad students from Princeton School of Public & International Affairs visiting Tokyo at the Economic Security Research Program, 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター. Incisive questions on Japan’s role in the US-China tech competition, differences in threat perceptions, areas of cooperation, etc.