Akela Lacy
Human | @theintercept | past lives @POLITICO @pulitzercenter @aiddata | Philly bred | [email protected]
ID: 1457712445
https://theintercept.com/staff/akelalacy/ 25-05-2013 18:15:15
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The MacArthur Foundation is withholding $625K from the San Francisco DA's office, citing worries over rising jail populations. In a response, the DA's office accused the foundation of racism: "Our office will not be used as sharecroppers." via Joe Rivano Barros missionlocal.org/2024/08/macart…

It's been 20 years since TX executed Cameron Todd Willingham on junk arson science. Now it's ready to kill Robert Roberson on similarly debunked forensic evidence--and despite a state law passed to prevent such miscarriages of justice. w/Jordan Smith: theintercept.com/2024/09/09/tex…

Right after Trump was shot, Akela Lacy asked Butler County for 911 recordings under the PA Right-to-Know Law. The county denied the request, and we appealed to the state Office of Open Records.

Akela Lacy The Office of Open Records agreed that we made a “compelling” argument about the public interest in these historic recordings. But OOR ultimately decided it couldn't second guess Butler County, which also denied requests from reporters at NBC, Scripps, and NYT.

Akela Lacy That left us no choice but to take this to court. Many thanks to our excellent local counsel, Joy Ramsingh, who's also representing Scripps and NBC!

Harris didn’t counter the central ideological violence of Trump’s message. In the moderated tones of a Democratic border authoritarian, she upheld the right-wing lie that immigration — the migration of poor people, that is— should be stopped. The Intercept theintercept.com/2024/09/11/kam…

The narrative of a “border crisis” was taken for granted from the jump – specifically, that it is a “crisis” for the U.S., not the desperate people who must face brutal, unforgiving barriers to seek refuge in the wealthiest nation on earth. The Intercept theintercept.com/2024/09/11/kam…

Anyway read this piece I did for The Nation about Haitian migrants and the way they’re treated in the U.S. thenation.com/article/societ…

Trump and Harris Agree: More Bombs for Israel interc.pt/3TqoCDs by Sunjeev Bery interc.pt/3TqoCDs