Ascension Conservation
Working to protect the incredible biodiversity of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. facebook.com/AscensionIslan…
ID: 1205015173
https://www.ascension.gov.ac/conservation/about-conservation 21-02-2013 14:17:13
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Ascension's turtle nesting season 2024 is officially over! #TurtleTuesday 🐢 A huge well done to the Ascension Conservation interns for all their hard work this year (especially on completing the turtle census) finally no more raking! Blue Marine Foundation #smallislandBIGVISION 📸:AIG Staff

The Ascension Explorers played a unique game of bingo from Global Ocean Wildlife Analysis Network which showcased some of the results from BRUVs (Baited Remote Underwater Videos) across UKOTs. We enjoyed finding species common in our Ascension Island MPA

The Ascension Explorers dived deep into the Ascension Island MPA creating origami fish, painting underwater landscapes & learning knots. They explored eDNA, creating bracelets with diff bead colours representing DNA bases & followed gene sequences of local grouper and eels.

🗺️ Ascension Island's vast #MPA safeguards 445,000 km² of ocean at the heart of the Atlantic. 🪸 For the team Ascension Conservation, #MarineManager has become a vital part of their operations. Learn why: bit.ly/3RgdIzh

35 new satellite tags have arrived on Ascension, destined for juvenile masked boobies in the upcoming breeding season. These are part of the Biodiversity Challenge Funds Protecting Seabirds Across Borders project to understand how our seabirds interact with global fisheries outside the Ascension Island MPA

Whale sharks are occasionally seen around the Ascension Island MPA with normally one or two sightings each year. Our sister island St Helena MPA though is a breeding ground for the largest fish in the ocean! #InternationalWhaleSharkDay 📸 Laura Shearer

We are grateful to Biodiversity Challenge Funds for supporting the BELEAF project- using Evippe moths to control Mexican Thorn which is smothering nesting habitat for endangered green turtles, native seabirds and endemic plants. Read more about this and other projects they have funded below 👇