Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
Professor at The Open University researching future learning, mobile language learning, migrant learning, AI assistants
ID: 12590832
http://oro.open.ac.uk/view/person/ak35.html 23-01-2008 12:11:20
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🌟 Inaugural Lecture 🌟 Join us on Tue 13 June for Anne Adams, Prof of Engaged Practice and Research at The The Open University, #InauguralLecture. "Why learners, politicians, practitioners and users are not the enemy and how to listen to them!" Register: open.ac.uk/research/event…

Our Innovating Pedagogy 2023 report is out! Collaboratively authored by OU/IET and colleagues at the University of Cape Town open.ac.uk/blogs/innovati… Enjoy reading about new trends and themes in education and technology. We welcome your feedback! The Open University OU Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies Institute of Educational Technology, the OU

The 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report UNESCO "Technology in education: A tool on whose terms?" is very timely. I'm pleased that we, The Open University, contributed to the consultation process Agnes Kukulska-Hulme Patrina Law Centre for the Study of Global Development oro.open.ac.uk/90823/ #TechOnOurTerms

Do you enjoy the Innovating Pedagogy reports? Please fill in a very short survey using the link in the blog: open.ac.uk/blogs/innovati… Thanks for your time! Institute of Educational Technology, the OU OU Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies

“Insights on #Technology: Supported #Teaching, #Learning and Teacher Development in Contexts of Low Resources and Marginalisation” #OEW2024 🗣️Denise Whitelock,Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Koula Charitonos, Saraswati Dawadi and Tom Power ℹ️ shorturl.at/cjuyJ ✅Registration: shorturl.at/uHS12

Just launched! Our Innovating Pedagogy 2024 report with a further set of powerful pedagogies and innovations to read about and use: open.ac.uk/blogs/innovati… Institute of Educational Technology, the OU The Open University Vanderbilt University

Sign up by 19 Sept for our online postgraduate course to help you with digital education research & scholarship Institute of Educational Technology, the OU #researchmethods #OnlineLearning