Alexandra Henry (Gamard)
Heart Failure Association Manager @escardio. Tweets are my own.
ID: 111605969
http://www.escardio.org 05-02-2010 14:30:37
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20 years of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC Celebrating 20 years of achievements with our community #20yearsHFA escardio.org/Sub-specialty-… #HFAYoung #ESC_HFA European Society of Cardiology #HeartFailure Wilfried Mullens Marco Metra Anastasia Shchendrygina Henrike Arfsten Antonio Cannata' Djawid Hashemi

It’s starting to feel a lot like #HeartFailure2024 when our logistics truck loads from the European Society of Cardiology heart house and will soon depart to Lisbon! #20yearsHFA looking forward to seeing you all there

#HeartFailure2024 Congress under construction! GUESS what this space will soon transform into? HFAPresident Jozine ter Maaten Novi Tham Antonio Cannata' European Society of Cardiology Gianluigi Savarese

Can we trust AI to transform heart failure care? #HeartFailure2024 HFA STAGE European Society of Cardiology Harriette Van Spall, MD MPH Gianluigi Savarese

📣 New #HFA_ESC and #EHRA_ESC CardioTalk podcast 🎙️ on Atrial Fibrillation ablation in #heartfailure patients with Dr. Jozine ter Maaten, #HFA_Young committee member, Dr. Bart Mulder, #YoungEP committee member, and Prof. Boriani Giuseppe Join the discussion on the importance of

Got my essentials ready for #ESCCongress 2024! Looking forward to meeting up with the ESC WGs and #HFA_ESC communities in London! HFAPresident Ambre Barthélémy Antonio Cannata' European Society of Cardiology

Rise and shine London! It’s time for #ESCCongress Day 3! European Society of Cardiology beautiful setting for a morning meeting with the ESC WG Cellular Biology of the Heart